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Investigating Caldav for Different Clients

1 Initial Problem

An appointment in ILIAS is transferred i.e. to google calendar, apple calendar, outlook calendar, or android calendar client.

There are different actions for appointments in ILIAS:

  • Creating appointments,
  • updating appointments and
  • deleting appointments. 

If User deletes an appointment in ILIAS, this is not communicated to a google calendar. What caused this problem?  

iCal has no method to "delete" an appointment in a client:

  • The appointment is merely  "not there", the client must "understand" this and delete the appointment.
  • ILIAS cannot force the client making this interpretation and actually deleting it.
  • Many time the client is mis-configured and will not delete. 

In ILIAS "recurrent appointments" are implemented compliant with iCal:

  • Any reccurent appointment that is no longer taking place  cannot be deleted (see above) but it gets an "exclusion flag". 
  • Unfortunately this regularly not correctly interpreted by clients.
  • Maybe upon export the reccurent appointments can be transformed to individual appointments to get better results? 
  • Take note: While Sessions can occur i.e. "every Thusday" they are not "recurring appointments".  

2 Way Forward

  • CalDav might improve the situation, but it cannot replace iCal.
  • ILIAS must talk iCal and CalDAV, because 
    • google calendar does not speak CalDAV and presumably never will.
    • outlook calendar requires a plugin to speak CalDAV
    • Apple and android will work splendidly, though. 
  • Upon including a calendar one has to select CalDAV or iCal.
  • CalDav always needs an authenticated users (LDAP, DB, but not Shiboleth). Appointments for authenticated users can be updated. 

3 Workshops

A total of three feature workshops are conducted: 

  • Particpants outline which calendar clients are used in their organisations. 
  • Participants explain their calendar use cases and requirements. 
  • Participants are asked to prepare test data on the test platform (see below) and check, whether CalDAV-library „SabreDAV“ meets their requirements.
  • The results are prioritized and feature requests are prepared. 

4 Test Installation and Tests 

  1. Provide Test Platform 

    We install an ILIAS including with the libraries of CalDAV and implement the following 

    • HTTP-Basic-authentication supporting ILIAS- and LDAP-accounts 
    • Read access to appointnemnts per CalDAV exported appointments 
    • Checking write access per appointment and updates of appointments by calendar client 
    • Synchronising all calendar apointments into one single ILIAS calendar. 

  2. Test Use Cases for Different Clients

    • We should create all kinds of appointments: individual appointments, recurring appointments, with reading permission, reading and writing permissions, updating appointments and "deleting" appointments. 
    • We should gather all kind of clients: google calendar, android calendar, apple calendar, outlook calendar and nextcloud calendar. 
    • We test the use cases with different devices. 

  3. Prepare Feature Requests 

5 Contact

6 Discussion

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner], 24. NOV 2023: See https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/pull/6651 and https://sabre.io/dav/

7 2024-06-25 Workshop

Unterscheidung Wiederholungstermine un Sitzungen. Problem bei der Änderungen der Sitzungen zu denen Materialien zugeordnet wurden

His in One als führendes System: Änderung der Termine in Seminarmanagementsystemen / His in One werden typischerweise nicht in den Kurs durchgeschliffen, weil das Nutzerinnen, die in ILIAS Daten angepasst haben erfahrungsgemäß stark verwehrt. Normalerweise wird nur einmal beim Anlegen synchronisiert,

Anlage der Testplattform erfordert einige Implementierungen. (Liste oben)

Ein snchronisierter Kalender wegen der Kompatibilität

ggfs. Auswahl der Caldav URL

Nicht den persönlichen Kalender mit allen Kurskalendern nutzen

exchange Online

Nächster Termin in SIG Online 

Last edited: 1. Sep 2024, 18:47, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]