Feature Wiki

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Ordering questions: order pictures is not available in horizontal mode

1 Description

Ordering Question (Vertical) offers a choice between "Order pictures" and "Order terms", while Ordering Question (Horizontal) can only be used for ordering terms.
We would like to have the "Order pictures" feature in Ordering Question (Horizontal), too.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Klaus Zimmermann / k.zimmermann@fh-muenster.de
  • Funding: possible by FH Münster
  • Maintainer: Björn Heyser, bheyser (at) databay.de
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by tbd
  • Testcases, tested: tbd

3 Discussion

JF 2 Sep 2013: We highly appreciate this extension. The editing of the vertical and horizontal ordering question types should be streamlined.

BH 13 October 2014: While analyzing the effort for implementing this feature we came accross some questions how to design a useful user interface. We made a deal with the interested customer to create a concept suggesting such an interface. Please decide wether this feature can be implemented following this concept or not. Please also re-schedule the feature for Release 5.1.

Matthias Kunkel, 28 Feb 2015: This  feature was already scheduled for a previous ILIAS version but not implemented due to missing funding or time. We re-schedule it automatically for 5.1 to save time for discussion new feature requests.
@ Björn: please give a short presentation of the concept when the feature is discussed on the JF.

kzimmermann 30.03.2015: Funding of this feature is now possible by FH Münster.

Martin Klehr, 25.8.2016: We (Philipps-Universität Marburg) highly appreciate this request. Could this be re-scheduled for 5.3?

4 Implementation

Last edited: 25. Aug 2016, 11:38, Klehr, Martin [mklehr]