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Adapt Blog/Portfolio View to new Layout

1 Initial Problem

There are many different views in ILIAS, like Memberview, Bolgview etc. (see list - 2 Conceptual Summary).

With ILIAS 6.0 we want to unify the representation of these views and reduce the break that the views in ILIAS 5.4 have caused to the default ILIAS layout.

2 Conceptual Summary



Displayed UI Elements

tackeled by


Course, Group

  • Mainbar: NO
  • Metabar: YES
  • Metabar Entries: NO
  • Breadcrumbs: YES




  • Mainbar:
  • Metabar: YES
  • Metabar Entries: YES
  • Breadcrumbs: NO

this request



  • Mainbar:
  • Metabar: YES
  • Metabar Entries: YES
  • Breadcrumbs: NO

this request

Wiki Assignement

  • Mainbar:
  • Metabar:
  • Metabar Entries:
  • Breadcrumbs:


Kiosk Mode

  • Learning Sequenz
  • Test
  • Mainbar: NO
  • Metabar: YES
  • Metabar Entries: NO
  • Breadcrumbs: NO

Test: Enrico?

Learning Sequence: Kiosk-Mode for Page Layout Revision


  • Mainbar: NO
  • Metabar: YES
  • Metabar Entries: NO
  • Breadcrumbs: NO


  • Kiosk Mode in Tests

2.1 Views without Metabar Items (LTI, Memberview, Kiosk Mode in Learning Sequences, others?)

The representation of the KIOSK mode in the learning sequence has already been discussed and decided in a separate FR.According to the Jour Fix decision it is useful to display all modes in which no Metabar Items are displayed (LTI, Memberview, others?) according to this scheme. The modes would then differ only in the MainBar items or in whether a MainBar is displayed at all.

The MetaBar is still displayed. Instead of the MetaBar items, a close glyph is displayed, which can be used to close the view. The area of the ILIAS page title is used to display the title of the mode.

  • An additional highlighting of the mode causes the coloring of the heading (e.b. Memberview-Mockup).

2.2 Views with Metabar Items

Views in which MetaBar items are displayed (e.g. Blog and Portfolio View) keep the MetaBar including all items.

It is not yet clear how these views are opened and closed.
  • How do users open edit mode? There is no longer a link in the MetaBar (see ILIAS 5.4). We should clarify this question in general. How are views/modis opened?
    • Suggestions:
      1. Via a tab (see Mockup, like ILIAS Learning Module in ILIAS 5.4)
      2. Via a button in a toolbar

2.3 Header in Blog- and Portfolioview

  • How/where is the header displayed in blogs and portfolios?

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Blog >> Blogview
  • Portfolio >> Portfolioview
  • Courses and Groups >> Memberview

3.2 User Interface Details


3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information


5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Oliver Samoila, 2019-11-29: (Result after discussions with Enrico and Alexander.)

In my understanding, we have (at least in time) not been able to find a solution that works for all particular views.
How far the solutions for LTI, test, learning sequence and member view already differ, I can't see - but it's probably not relevant anyway.
For the presentation views of Blog and Portfolio, I think the open question is how to get the user into edit mode.

» Enrico and I agreed that it should be a one-year/-release solution for ILIAS 6. During the revision of the content area for ILIAS 7, a general solution should be found.

possible solutions:
  1. classic Action-Menu
    • Advantage: Button is a known pattern. No new UI elements
    • Disadvantage: no one is looking for editing there, otherwise learners do not have authorship. Nobody's gonna find that.
  2. Split-Button
    • Advantage: Editing is immediately visible. All other actions are also available.
    • Disadvantage: The split button is not popular with everyone. (The fact that t is not an element from the KS also applies to other solutions.)
  3. Tab-Navigation left
    • Advantage: Editing is immediately visible. No UI special solutions. 
    • Disadvantage: This type of navigation is otherwise used for "back". Blogs don't know tabs.
  4. Tab-Navigation right
    • Advantage: No UI special solutions.
    • Disadvantage: Editing is not immediately visible, even though it is centrally located. If there are many portfolio pages, the editing is done in Hamburg. Blogs have no tabs. 
  5. Tab-Navigation right persistent
    • Advantage: No complete UI special solution. No Hamburger on many pages/tabs.
    • Disadvantage: On large screens, the navigation moves very far out. Blogs don't know tabs.
  6. Toolbar (two MockUps, there are Page Elements with own toolbar)
    • Advantage: No UI special solution. Toolbars are well known. (Blogs already have a toolbar.)
    • Disadvantage: Usually there is only one button in the toolbar.
»» I prefer the solution #2.   But #5 and #6 are also fine.   #3 and #4 are bearable.   With #1 it becomes a real difficulty for the user, I think (and also the SIG).

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}
  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 1. Dec 2019, 19:45, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]