Feature Wiki

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Page element Chart

1 Requirements

A general service for charts/diagrams is implemented in ILIAS, the flot library. See Chart Service.
We should give the users the possibility to use this service in the ILIAS Page editor.

A first implementation could …

  • offer a new page element "Chart"
  • allow selection between different presentation forms like "Pie chart" or "Diagram"
  • offer an input form for chart values - probably as a kind of table.
In a second step it would be nice to connect this page element to a data collection and to use selected fields of a data collection as chart data.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

Matthias Kunkel, December 19, 2014: I have added some ideas to the suggestion by Hansjörg and modified the name of the request from "Integrate the flot library (Chart service) in ILIAS Page editor" into "Page element Chart".

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 06 AUG 2021: In the meantime we have a page element plugin "Chart" that could be used to display a pie chart or bar chart. Plugin is available for everyone. More information in the data collection for plugins.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 6. Aug 2021, 10:02, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]