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Different styles of status messages

1 Description

At the time being, there is only one style of status and system messages in the object lists of categories, courses, groups and folders. These messages are shown under the description text.

Example: When WebDAV is enabled, ILIAS shows a message "Due to one of the characters \ / : * ? " < > | this object is not visible in Windows webfolders" if title or description contain one of these characters. Due to the red colour this is very dominant and eye-catching.

For better usability I would suggest

  • to offer better differentiation between such a "system message" and the description text - not only red colour.
  • to distinguish optically between really important messages and less important ones (like the WebDAV message - which is really ennoying sometimes...)

2 Status

  • Scheduled for Release: Abandoned

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Matthias Kunkel

4 Discussion

Jour Fixe, 22 Mar 2010: The WebDAV message will disappear with 4.1 due to implementation of WevDAV: Presentation of files and folders. Therefore, there is no need for implementation of this request. There are two kinds of such messages, one in black, e.g. for "Type: Learning Module", and another for important notices, e.g. "Status: Offline", which is sufficient.

Matthias Kunkel on behalf of ILIAS-AG Uni Köln, 06 May 2010:

  • The notification about changed content in the repository is also using the red warning style. This should be changed to the black status style to prevent visual clutter.

JF 17 May 2010: We discussed several possibilities to change the feature:

  • Just use a black message.
  • Abandon the feature (major problem: changes in subitems are not reflected on the container level, e.g. if a category is listed and a file in the category (e.g. in a course) has been changed, the category will not display the "changed" message.
  • Add a feature on the desktop that lists all changes of items on the personal desktop (including changes within container). The feature would not be available on the default screen due to performance reasons.
  • Users decide in their settings, whether the message is displayed or not.

We ask anybody in the community to give us opinions and feedback on this issue.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 12. Jun 2015, 21:36, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]