Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Choose Text color

1 Requirements

The ILIAS page editor already supports differnt styles, that an administrator has prepared. But a user can't change a single word to another color. The ILIAS page editor should get a now function, in the Tab "Character". Next to "str", "emp", "imp" there should be a "color" button to choose a color from predefinied colors or the possibility to enter the Hex-Code to mark the letters of one or more words in another color.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Marcel Raimann

4 Discussion

Nathalie Glauser, PHBern: Thank you, Marcel!

AK 27 May 2013: The request does not say, why this should be possible. Usually these colors should have some meaning and then we should define some named style classes in the content styles editor, that tell the user the meaning and separate the content and the style information. As far as I know Matthias started a feature request that suggests to support additional character style clases.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 27. May 2013, 23:11, Killing, Alexander [alex]