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Letter Avatars

1 Initial Problem

Most of the users don't upload a photo to their profile. Without profile pictures, the ILIAS platform looks quite anonymous.

2 Conceptual Summary

To make the learning community more good-looking in forums etc. users can pick from a pre-defined set of avatar pictures.

ILIAS defaults to a "no photo avatars" as standard profile picture by using just a colored form and the letters of your surname or/and name. Like Google, Invisionapp, Skype. Or like this: http://uttesh.com/ngletteravatar/.

Upload Avatar in Administration

The administrator uploads some pictures in advance

  • The administrator can choose one avatar and set it as system default
  • The user edits his profile and can either
    • upload a photo
    • or pick one of the ready-to-use-pictures in the avatar-library
    • leave everything as is (=> the default avatar will be used)

2.1 Outlook

Not part of this requests.

  • set gender-specific default avatars
  • Note: There are some nice collections of free avatars, using the cc-license. ILIAS _could_ include some of them in its pre-configured state. However this is not part of this feature request (unless the JF decides otherwise): Avatar-Set (cc)

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Letter Avatars:

  • Administration > User Administation > Settings
  • All screens that show personal pictures / avatars

  • Personal Profile > Edit
  • Administration > User Management > Edit User + New User
  • Administration > User Management > Avatars (new tab)

3.2 User Interface Details

Administration > User Administration > Settings

  • A new checkbox "Letter Avatars" will be introduced that activated the feature.
All screens that show personal pictures / avatars
  • If the personal profile is published and a personal picture has been uploaded, the personal picture will be shown (as before).
  • If the personal profile is published and no personal picture has been uploaded, the initials (first letter of firstname and lastname) of the user will be shown with a colored background.
  • If the personal profile is not published the first two letters of the account name / login will be shown with a colored background.

Variant 1:

  • Avatar management by admins: listing of pictures in analogy to the media pool (see mockups / screenshots)
    • action menu (per item):
      • Set as Default or Remove Default Status
      • Edit
      • Delete
    • group actions: Remove
  • Edit profile (or new user)
    • New button "select pre-defined avatar" opens a modal dialog to select a predefined avatar.
    • The predefined avatars are presented as deck of cards (without title?)

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

No new concepts. The existing personal pictures get another content, if no public personal picture is being provided.

4 Technical Information

The letter avatar is a short SVG being generated by a template "on the fly" (like the rest of the generated HTML). The SVG is not stored as a file. The content is provided in-line in the img tag (src="data:image/svg+xml,...").

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

JF 5 Jan 2015: We appreciate the idea. It should be possible to upload a set of "standard" avatars in the administration. ILIAS will not come with a predefined set.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 25 Jan 2017: @Colin, I think it would be good to explain a little bit more in detail, how this will be achieved in the user interface. I tried to do this in my offer. You may copy/paste this here.

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], 09 Feb 2017: I like the way how other services uses "no photo avatars" as standard profile picture by using just a colored form and the letters of your surname or/and name. Like Google, Invisionapp, Skype. Or like this: http://uttesh.com/ngletteravatar/

I think this would be a more generic way and would solve the problem, that most user doesn't go into their personal profile to upload an own or to change a default picture to an avatar picture. ILIAS could just set a "letter profile picture" corresponding with username or (sur)name and give it a background color (possible corresponding with system or content style of a ILIAS installation.

Don't know if something like this was discussed yet.

Kiegel, Colin [kiegel] 2017-02-03: Matthias Kunkel asked me to adapt this feature request to the new template. The original request has already been scheduled in the past.

Personally I also like the idea of just having simple coloured letter-codes as fallback. It's main advantage is, that it comes without any UI changes. Additionally it can be assigned to a user automatically without knowing the gender, skin color, etc. whereas pre-defined avatars can not be assigned automatically. I added it as "alternative" in the proposal.  I was not able to discuss this suggestion with Douglas yet, but I would like the Jour Fixe to consider both alternatives individually - such that Douglas could still decide which variant they want to fund.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], FEB 13, 2017: We postpone the decision because we have two sound alternatives (http://uttesh.com/ngletteravatar/ and http://identicon.net) which would have the big advantage that no default avatars need to be designed and uploaded but are created automatically. This would also lead to a bigger variety of avatars. We ask the party interested in funding if this alternative solution would be appreciated as well.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 13 Feb 2017: We could also try to implement something similar to https://robohash.org/

Killing, Alexander [alex], 12 June 2017: I have now implemented a "Letter Avatar" solution as being proposed by various people and the Jour Fixe. The customer also supports this idea.

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz], 12 June 2017: @Killing, Alexander [alex] Thank you very much for this implementation. We like this solution! Three rather minor points:

  • Why do you display the abreviation in lower case? We would prefer upper.
  • What happens if the second character is not a letter, e.g. t.amstutz? Will the abreviation be t. or ta?
  • Could circles help the issue with borders not beeing equal on each side?
Also, how do you chose colors here? Is that a system we could reuse for the calendar?

[Edit]: Just stumbled upon this in the github discussion: PR #550, the coloring question seems to be related.

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid], 14 June 2017: Nice, thank you for the implementation. I'd also prefer the uppercase version.

Klees, Richard [rklees] The UI Icon PR already implements visuals for that functionality.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], June 26, 2017: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3. Please check

  • if style classes could be used for the background colour of the letter avatars
  • if a class is available that can generate avatars with only characters (ta instead of t. for user name t.amstutz)
  • UI Icon could be used to generate letter avatars in a later version

Hesse, Joel [Joel_Hesse] 14.08.2017: Looking good, thanks!

8 Implementation

New setting in the administration (User Administration > Settings):

Letter avatars in the top bar and the who is online tool:

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 10.08.2017 by ezenzen

  • C18617: Letter Avatare aktivieren


Approved at 14.08.2017 by Hesse, Joel [Joel_Hesse].

Last edited: 14. Aug 2017, 13:36, Hesse, Joel [Joel_Hesse]