Feature Wiki

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Video Annotation

Page Overview


1 Description

The general idea: A Video-annotation tool give users a new way to add interactive commentary to a video. It will provide learners with adequate tools to actively capture the content: It allows students to annotate text, to create on-line commentaries and discussions, and more. With a direct implementation in ILIAS, the community should have the possibility to use the annotation feature everywhere in ILIAS.

2 Discussion

JF, 19 April 2010: The idea of the suggested Video Annotation Tool is highly appreciated. A basic implementation of the tool could become part of ILIAS itself to improve the presentation and use of videos in several content objects. Annotation and labeling would be better implemented as plugin. But still some conceptual discussion is necessary. And it is very important to know the minimum requirements of the future users of this tool. Hansjörg Lauener will continue this specification.

HL, 15. August 2012: Due to missing funding, we will not realise the videoannotation tool in ILIAS, but we will deliver an annotation service that is open source and flexible enough to be used in a variety of educational settings and in conjunction with different technologies relevant in the academic use of video, i.e. video players, video management systems and learning management systems. The project-partners in Switzerland are: SWITCH, ETH Zürich, PH Zürich, University of Bern, University of Lausanne, University of Fribourg, PH Thurgau, PH Zentralschweiz.
Project details:

We realise the implementation of this opensource annotation service in two video-management systems: SWITCHCast (http://cast.switch.ch) and Opencast Matterhorn (http://opencast.org/matterhorn/)
Then we further develop an ILIAS-Plugin for the SWITCHCast-service.

HL, 15. August 2012: The implementation is different from the prototype-mockup (see picture below). The actual realisation can be found at: http://entwinemedia.github.com/annotations/

Use the videoannotation library, implemented in Opencast.

Last edited: 9. Jun 2015, 14:07, Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]