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Open Badges

1 Requirements 

The UAS OWL and the UAS for public administration have prepared a comprehensive concept for implementing open badges in ILIAS 5.2. 

This concept is derived from five overachring pedagogical goals: 

  • Acknowledging learning activities of users
  • Motivating users for learning activities
  • Fostering identification with a group
  • Letting badges travel from the internet to the LMS and vice versa by using Mozialla Open Badges Infastructure
  • Gamifying learning at least a little 
We envisage two types of awarding badges: 
  • Badges are automatically awarded based on criteria. Once a user meets those criteria a badge is awarded. 
  • Badges can be manually awarded by tutors. 

On the personal desktop users might choose to organise their earned badges is collections:We have conceptualised several object-specific badges and badges for general activities. This what we came up with, there ould be many more kinds of badges: To publish badges beyond the personal profile we suggest to display them in the users's portfolio. 

1.1 Initial Requirements

1.1.1 Introduction

I would like to suggest a feature, which could be a motivational aspect for learners and an addition to the existing competence environment in ILIAS.
Digital Badges could be an "high-visual-attractive" concept to increase the usage of an e-portfolio in ILIAS. Badges are visual representations of a skill or an achievement. So a badge (-system) can describe a learning target, learning performances, competences, give a feedback for the learner and it can be a motivational aspect. If the badges are integrated in an e-portfolio, it could display a personal learning pathway, designed by the learner.
Badges could also benefit  the enrichment of knowledge of ILIAS. Meanwhile ILIAS gets more and more functions, it will more and more dificult to stay informed about all these funcions. Especially for a teacher, who uses ILIAS as a means to an end.

1.1.2 Example

Below I will describe how I used the badges in ILIAS as a "workaround".
The springboard were the "ILIAS-Trainings" via Adobe Connect at the FH Dortmund for the E-Tutoren. The virtual trainings should enhance the competences. The web meetings had an additional, content-related test. And in these tests I used the "mark schema" and the "certificate" to distribute the badges.

  1. The first step was to upload the badge-images on another server. The label of the badge-images were randomized numbers.
  2. The shortlink of the badge-image was added to the official form of the "mark schema"
  3. The certificate got this official form as a placeholder.
  4. So after a learner passed the test, he or she got his or her certificate with a Link to the badge.
  5. Now the learner can download the badge and add it as an image to his oder her portfolio in ILIAS (see the screenshot on the right).

The badge implementation had enormous results. The E-Tutors made the tests, even if they missed the "Adobe Connect Meeting". They watched the video of the training and made the test. Just to get the badges and displayed it in their portfolio.

1.1.3 Suggestion

The possible places for badges

It should be easier to distribute badges. For example a badge-image could be integrated as a an additional column in the "mark schema" in a test. By passing the test, the learner can add the badge to his oder her workspace like he can do it with a certificate.

The advantage is, that you can graduate the badges and motivate the learner by passing the test in a high level of percentage.

The test object could be the first place where we can integrate a small badge system.

An other place could be the "Exercise Object" if you want a badge system, which is graduated.
In addition to this, it could be possible to distribute badges for any object with a learning progress.

A badge environment

Badges categorized in a portfolio on ILIAS

It is also very important to have a "badge system" or a "badge stucture". These set of badges should ensure feedback loops and it should allow the system to grow and "breathe", which means that it allows the system to flex and bow as badges are added to it.[1]

Therefor - in my opinion - we could use the "Media Pool Object" maybe in a specific way and the Metadata. So the Metadata can categorize and describe the badges. It is also conceivable to link badges with existing competences.

For example: Prof. Dr. Ilona Buchem works on a project, which is called "Beuth Badges".

Certificates > after doing this object I get a stamp of approval 
A certificate in ILIAS proves that a user as successfully worked through an object. Certificates are always related to a specific object: a test, a course a SCORM module. Every user who wants the a certain certificate has to accomplish that specific object. 
The objects are set up by an educational provider and represent some kind of unit  /part of a curriculum. 
In most cases a certificate is obtained once and that is it. Sometimes in compliance scenarios a certificate is to be re-obtained every 24 months. But typically there are nor levels or improvement tracking: you either have a certificate or you don't. 

What objects allow generating certificates?

  • Excercises
  • Tests 
  • SCORM Learning Modules
  • Courses
A major shortcoming of certificates is that with the deletion of the object users can no longer access their certificates. Their only option is to store the certifcate in My Workspace. But if My workspace is deactivated users have nowhere to turn to for storing and accessing their certificates in ILIAS. This should be improved. 

Competences > after doing activities I am assigned to a level 
Competences are independed of one specific object and apply to the whole plattform.  A competence can be demonstrated by accomplishing a survey or a test using the competence service but User A is awarded the competence after the survey and User B after the test.  
Competences are defined by an educational provider who typically derives them from competence catalogues of the Chamber of Commerce or the EQL or the Accreditations Bureaus expections. 
Competences have levels. It is one of their core properties: You start with a low level of a competence and work yourself up to a higher level. It is not on or off. The increments can be big or small but there are levels.

Competences can be set by:

  • Users can self-assess their level of competences on the Personal Desktop 
  • Tests assign levels of competences according to test results
  • 360°- Survey offer self-assessment, peer-evaluation and gap analysis against a profile of levels of competences

Learning Progress > activity and achievemt tracking
The Learning Progress is always a triad of object(s), a user and a status. The tracking and status setting is typically done automatically but can be carried out manually. 
Unfortunately the learning progress like the certificates is lost once the objectthat they were derived from is deleted. 

Example: This is an example of a moodle platform with the integration of Open Badges. You can see the badges I have earned. I don't accomplish the whole course, but I did some work. I edited a Video with Adobe Premiere, I made some Videos and I intensified it in discussions on the platform. So, as you can see, Open Badges have a very fine granularity.

Maybe we can talk about a certificate, if you collect enough badges, but there are so many types of Open Badges, as you can see in the taxonomy below. 

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Thomas Franz-Tzimoulis, thomas.franz-tzimoulis@fhoev.nrw.de
  • Interest in funding: (please indicate if you are interested to fund this feature)
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
  • Test cases by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Discussion

O. Samoila: I want to support this feature request.
A scenario for the recognition of "less formalized" training or other skills acquisition would be very good.
Badges should be as automated as possible available for the portfolio. If a mode similar to the award of the certificate to be selected, the feature request could "Easier way to integrate certificates in portfolio" be interesting.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 13 May 2015: Is this a request to implement the mozilla open badges specification? There is no direct link on this page to their page, their wiki or to the specs. We would need a technical concept for its integration in ILIAS and also a list of use cases/components that should support badges in a first version (passing test, passing exercise, contributions to wikis, blogs, forums, profile completion, ...). And a technical concept should describe a general interface of the badges service to show how it can be integrated by all the ILIAS components of the listed use case scenarios. And last but not least the relation to existing features like certificates, learning progress or the mark schema of tests mentioned above needs to be outlined in the technical concept, too. Lots of things to specify before starting with an implementation.

Edit: An I forgot, we should also investigate how other platforms integrated badges, e.g. Moodle.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 22 Feb 2016: Meanwhile this and the related pages have changed a lot so my questions above has been answered. I just wanted to share a simple online badge creator found by Jörg.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 15 Sep 2016: Good article on the future of mozilla persona and mozilla backback. Hopefully they will provide an authentication alternative before persona shuts down.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 27. Apr 2021, 07:41, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]