Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Test-Parts and Question-Groups

1 Requirements

The concept above handles the requirements of the following feature requests:

      2 Additional Information

      3 Discussion

      Marko Glaubitz, 22.01.2015:
      We would like to pursue the implementation of some feature fpr 5.1 like the key feature test in ILIAS. As far as I see it, the questions groups in the concept paper above, are a neccessary prerequisite for doing that. Has the JF already had the chance of taking about the concept? If not, would it be possible  to do taht any time soon to give us a chance of writing a feature request for this.
      Another question would be, whether grouping questions will only be available in tests or in learning modules, for example, as well? As far as we are concerned there are some developments that with some fanatasy might be based on this, like interactive videos, right?

      Slotosch, Sven [sven.slotosch], 10.12.2015 
      We would heavily recommend this feature for 5.2 since it would enhance the attractiveness of e-exams and could be the foundation for future question-types (like key feature). It would also be a good feature to separate MC- and free text-parts of e-exams.

      , 08.10.2016
      We create several tests to map this feature at the moment. For some of our teachers is the absence of this feature a make-or-break criterion. We would appreciate this feature in one of the next releases.

      4 Implementation


Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:16, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]