Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


LTI xAPI/cmi5

1 Initial Problem

ILIAS xAPI/cmi5 objects should be used in distributed learning scenarios as it is already possible with ILIAS or SCORM learning modules, courses, groups, wikis and tests. Users from other LMS can use a xAPI/cmi5 objects on an ILIAS installation via LTI without needing a proper user account on this installation. At the time being, this is not possible as there is no LTI support for xAPI/cmi5 objects via the LTI provider/tool functionality.

2 Conceptual Summary

It should be possible to provide an ILIAS xAPI/cmi5 object via LTI for other consumers (LTI 1.1)/platforms (LTI 1.3) (ILIAS, Canvas and many other systems supporting LTI). The workflow for activating and providing the xAPI/cmi5 object for LTI should be similar to the already supported object types 'course', 'group', 'ILIAS learning module' a.s.o. This requires two general changes in ILIAS:

  1. Extending the consumer administration of LTI and allow 'xAPI/cmi5' as object type for LTI provisioning.
  2. Adding a settings screen for LTI releases to the xAPI/cmi5 settings (according to similar setting screens in already supported object types).

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

3.2 User Interface Details

  • Extending LTI provider/tool settings
    When creating a consumer/platform to use ILIAS as an LTI provider/tool, it should be possible to select 'xAPI/cmi5' in addition to the existing objects.

  • New submenu 'LTI settings' in xAPI/cmi5 settings
    When the object is released, local roles are created according to the above-mentioned objects, which can be selected for the consumer/platform in the object.
        LTI Learner: By default, only the permissions 'Visible' and 'Read' should be assigned to 'LTI Learner'. 
        LTI Instructur: For 'LTI Instructor', the permissions 'Visible', 'Read' and 'View learning progress of other users' should be assigned by default, but no further rights.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications


4 Technical Information

It is a very small feature. It is the same as it was done for other objects - e.g. for the wiki. See https://github.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/commit/6a7d0195751ea78a6ff8d6fdda8aeb5a9888ce46

5 Privacy

The object is used only as provider/tool in kiosk mode. The platform/Consumer sends data with personal name and email address. These data can be sent pseudonymized.

6 Security

The RBAC settings apply, of course. It is recommended to use the special global LTI role to simply limit view rights to the shared object. 

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

10 Implementation

{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Information in privacy.md of component: updated on {date} by {user} | no change required


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 28. Sep 2023, 16:43, Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]