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Improvement of Typography

Less is More ;-)  Please Give it Some Space. And Dare  Letting Go.

1 Project: Cleaning-Up the CSS

The overarching objective is to arrive at a managable set of Less variables that can be employed to present text without the need to tinker with individual style classes. Example:  A heading should not use ‘font-weight:bold’  but the face  ‘semi-bold’ 

1.1 Package: Preparing Less Variables

In ILIAS 5.3 separate, un-related pixel values are scattered, while Less variables are underused. The adaptability of the system style is lower than it should be.
It is the objective of this work package to prepare Less variables from hard-coded fonts and spacing for ILIAS 5.4. Admittedly, this will result in dozens of redundant, not conceptually organised Less variables.

The CSS Maintainer Jean-Luc Braun (Qualitus Gm BH) will prepare Pull Requests after counsulting with Christoph Krahl (Concepts and Training GmbH).  This work package is outlined in Revision of Less Variables for Typographical Elements.

1.2 Package: Consolidating Less Variables

The work package most likely results in a number of identical / similar Less variables (0.9 / 1 / 1.1 em). These could be consolidated. This carries the risk of cementing quite a number of not-concept-driven layout “decisions”. Further deliberation is advised, whether this work package should be carried out.

2 Project: Preparing a Typographical Concept

The objective is to arrive at a substantiated set of titled typographical elements, that form a hierarchy and serve a defined purpose.

2.1 Package: Tendered contractor-prepared suggestion for typographical concept

The work package entails conceptual and analytical effort. A DRAFT call for tenders was prepared.  The contractor will get a quality briefing comprising of a link to the Kitchensink, screenshots, perma-links to important screens on the demo-plattform i.e. to List of objects in the repository, Content-tab in course, Overview of personal desktop, a serious table, and possibly a Test and possibly a Forum.

  • Based on screenshots and hands-on experience the contractor will devise a typographical concept.
  • For every typographical element covered the purpose or capacity of it will be spelled out.
  • Optionally a design for those typographical elements will suggested.
  • The contractor holds a workshop to present the typographical concept and put it to scrutiny.

Fundraising: Service Provider, Conference Panhandling, Crowdfunding 
The outlook is bleak. 

2.2 Package: Design-student-prepared suggestion for typographical concept

The work package is given to students of a Media Design programme. It could be covered as a group effort in a semester / study week or handed to an individual as a bachelor topic.
The student will get a link to the Kitchensink, screenshots, perma-links to important screens on the demo-plattform i.e. to List of objects in the repository, Content-tab in course, Overview of personal desktop, a serious table, and possibly a Test and possibly a Forum.

  • Based on screenshots and hands-on experience the contractor will devise a typographical concept.
  • For every typographical element covered the purpose or capacity of it will be spelled out.
  • Optionally a design for those typographical elements will suggested.

  • FH Aachen
  • SFGB-B (Study Week at YS further education)
  • FH Dortmund 
  • FH Köln
  • FH Bielefeld 
  • Inquire about more options at ILIAS NRW

2.3 Finding Labels for Typographical Elements

The overarching objective is to arrive at labels for very important textual elements and to document them "somehow" in the realm of the Kitchen Sink. 
This will wait until the typographical concept is finished and implementation is agreed. 

Package: Discussing Items of the Berne Collection

The University of Berne has compiled screenshots of many typographicals elements. They require being organised and labeling. The labels should be picked in line with the existing Kitchen Sink entries and results of the ILIAS Language Front. A controlled vocabulary for typographical elements would facilitate the next work package.

Package: Including the typographical concept in the Kitchensink

Once the work package above is completed and labels are agreed, it would be most helpful to include the results in the Kitchen Sink in a yet unspecified location as a way to help developers and designers in their work. An example was put forward.  It would be lovely to have

  • a list of (at least the most important) typgraphical elements. 
  • Less Variables for Fonts, margins and faces. 
  • an idea how we can give textual elements the attention and deliberation they deserve in KS-articles
Further deliberation is advised, whether this work package should be carried out.

3 Overall Risk Assessment

We identified the following specific projects risks

  • The communication designer will be disparaged for lacking ILIAS knowledge specifically and e-learning knowledge generally.
  • Not everything will get done. The project will be drawn out and tiring. This will affect motivation negatively.
  • Some people will speak up for keeping exceptions and treating unique cases in a special way as opposed to normalising them while accepting a bit of loss. 
  • Lacking coordination with other projects results in rival solutions for problems which lead to infighting.
  • We may not secure enough funding and contribution in kind

3.1 Discussion

Last edited: 27. Jun 2018, 12:58, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]