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Personalized Watermarks for PDFs

1 Requirements

PDFs should be supplied with a personalized watermark (e.g. name or matriculation number) for each downloader.
Teachers are afraid that students share their supplied documents with non authorized people. From there documents might find a way to the www. If documents are watermarked with students data, it would be comprehensible where a document left the "authorized circle".


2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Jochen Erkens / j.erkens@fh-aachen.de.com
  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: Michael Jansen
  • Development: Implementation of the feature is done by Databay
  • Information about funding: Klaus Zimmermann, k.zimmermann@fh-muenster.de

3 Discussion

MJ  23 Sep 2013: We already implemented this feature as a small patch for ILIAS file objects. If a user clicks on the download link/button in file objects, we first create a warmark pdf file based on a xsl-fo file (with placeholders included). Then we merge the warmark pdf and the actual document with pdftk (the watermark appears on every pdf page). Finally we deliver this merged document to the users' browser.

JF 14 Oct 2013: We would like to discuss the feature with Michael Jansen, who implemented the patch, before deciding on its  integration into the trunk.

JF 9 Dec 2013: We discussed the details with Max Becker today. We support this feature (support in Module/File) request and schedule it for 4.5. It would be perfect, if we would not need another command line tool. TCPDF does not seem to support it unfortunately. If we need a separate tool, it should be listed as an optional feature in the ILIAS setup.

kzimmermann 21 Aug 2015: We highly appreciate this feature. Funding is possible by FH Münster.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 21. Aug 2015, 11:17, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]