Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Calendar Revision

The calendar revision offers users an appointement-driven access to content via the calendar. The revision enables  

  • Learners to quickly gather information for a specific time range (e.g. current week) plus quick access of content associated with appointments of this time range.
  • Teachers to quickly provide information and content for appointements in a given timeslot.
Both target groups can identify their next appointements and should be able to work with those appointements immediatly after the login, if the Calendar is made landing page.

The Calendar Revision will be enhanced further for ILIAS 5.4, see Calendar Revision II.

1 List of Sub-Projects

Please consult the feature wiki articles to understand how the calendar was updated to better serve a user's learning and teaching: 

Improving Handling of the Calendar

Enriching Appointments Opening the Appointments to specific needsBeautifying the Calendar Beefing Up Sessions Beefing Up Metadata and Taxonomies

2 Pipeline for ILIAS 5.4

File Upload

The calendar revision consists of several feature requests and pull requests that are listed below and described on the linked pages.

Open issues in Mantis will get the tag "calrev" (on the view screen). We will use the priority values from mantis here, too.




Usability Improvements Marginal List Calendar: (KS: PR552)

 (AK, JL)

Usability Improvements Marginal Grid Calendar (KS: PR546)


  • Discussed: User selection of display weeks if weeks are shown by administrator. Is here but in settigns of calendar. --> Need JF decision, where to place settings. Priority: Normal

Usability Improvements Main Column List Calendar: (KS: PR543, PR544)

 (AK) (missing: show more, filter) 

  1. Discussed: How to proceed with filter with "show more" (not necesserily Required for approval) Priority: Low
  2. Discussed: To be discussed: How to proceed with filter with "filter" (not necesserily Required for approval) Priority: Low (for the moment, but filters in general are definitely on our watchlist)
  3. Discussed: Behaviour of Navigation in Toolbar in Mobile View (what does not to stick, what not) -> Make the first group stick (< Today >) if possible. Priority: Normal (Bug)
  4. Discussed: Indication of which selection is active in the Dropdown for selection the days to be shown in the list view. The active they should be indicated as shown in the FR and the button underneath inactive. Note that this can be achieved by passing a shy button with an unavailable action. However the dropdown would need to indicate them somehow. -> Get rid of "Agenda" in label of the lists title and make selected item in dropdown deactivated. Priority: Normal (Bug)

Adapted View Handling of Calendar:  (KS: PR549, PR549



Scope for Custom Metadata 


  • Discussed: Must the Category defining the scope also have those custom metadata available? Currently the category does not. Decision: Yes. Priority: LOw (Bug)

Course Calendar: Separate Personal and Course Appointments View 


  • Discussed on 11 Aug: Currently opening the course calendar "full view" is quite hidden, since the "Add Appointment" action has been removed from the action drop down also - especially in the "Upcoming events" view. Proposal: Open Calendar Action in Settings Dropdown (Implementation Ready). Needs Comment in FW (AT) and JF Discussion/Decision. Priority: Normal

Calendar Details for Consultation Hours


Calendar Details


  • Discussed: Currently the permanent link to the calendar looks rather like a breadcrumb. Is this intended? If yes, is the label right? If no, should it not rather look like the permanent link on info screens (inside in input field)? -> Decision: We change the label to the object type name of the container as in modals (Course, ...) and keep the presentation on the right. Priority: Low (Bug)

Detailed Appointment as Round-Trip Modal


Plugin Slot for Detailed Appointement View


Plugin Slot for Appointements in Main Column Grid Calendar


Metadata in Detailed Appointements View 


Download Files from Calendar


Marginal Grid/List Calendar: Settings-Icon only for changing view mode 



UI View Control: Selection and Mode



Split Buttons: Standard and Month  



UI Appointment Listing Panel 








Streamline Edit-participants table in Sessions


Didactic Templates for Sessions


Filter for Edit-participants-table in Sessions


New Locale Role for Sessions


Metadata for Sessions


Taxonomies for Sessions


Custom Metadata: Field Type Link


Usability Improvements for Taxonomies (Selection by Topics)


  • Discussed: Linked Breadcrumb: Breadcrumb locate objects – which are assigned to sessions – only in "course" or "folders". We made a mockup that we'd like to get the session link in the breadcrumb too (see Taxonomies for Sessions). Would it be possible to get also "session title" in breadcrumb, if objects are assigned to sessions? If yes, we would also need a solution for objects that are assigned to several sessions (one object with several breadcrumbs? Or objects are listed twice like linked objects). Decision: We will keep the path presentation as it is, since this is the usual way in ILIAS (sessions are not included). We may introduce an additional field ("Related Sessions") as a FR in the future.

Location of Taxonomies and Metadata


Last edited: 8. Feb 2018, 13:14, Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]