Feature Wiki
Main Menu Item - Default Proposal V5
This page collects a former version of the default proposal of the Default Configuration of Main Bar Items (ILIAS 6) proposal.
This following version 5 (as at february 28th) is a revision based upon the discussion postings below and is the base for discussion from 28th february 2018 and later.
(green = biggest changes from v4 to v5)
see: https://app.milanote.com/1ER2Oc130cUr6U
1. Help / Hilfe
2. Notificationtool / Benachrichtigungstool
3. User / Benutzer (Avatar)
- Konto und Privatsphäre (ehemals Persönliche Daten und Profil)
- Einstellungen
- Abmelden
1. Repository / Magazin
focussed view on content of repository (institutional superintendence)
- Magazin - Einstiegsseite
- Zuletzt besucht
- --
- Favoriten (Übersicht, auf Schreibtisch legen, Bookmarks)
- Kurse
- Gruppen
- --
- Studienprogramme
- --
- Eigene Magazin-Objekte
- --
- Suche
2. Personal Workspace / Persönlicher Arbeitsraum
- Calendar / Kalender
- --
- Task
- --
- Portfolios
- Personal Resources / Persönliche Ressourcen (all "Workspace" elements like blog, folder, files,...)
- Geteilte Ressourcen anderer
- --
- Notizen
- --
- News ( News-Archiv and Archiv von Benachrichtigungstool)
- Background Tasks (Archiv von Background Tasks)
3. Achievements / Leistungen
- Lernfortschritt
- Kompetenzen
- Badges
- Zertifikate
4. Communication / Kommunikation
- Wer ist online?
- Unterhaltungen (ehemals Konversationen)
- Kontakte
- Kommentare
- News ( News-Archiv and Archiv von Benachrichtigungstool)
- Mitarbeiterliste
- Einschreibungen
Help / Hilfe | Placed in top bar due to
Notificationtool / Benachrichtigungstool | Placed in top bar due to
User / Benutzer | Placed in top bar due to
Repository / Magazin | Placed in tab bar as group
Personal Workspace / Persönlicher Arbeitsraum | Placed in tab bar as a group
Concept for "Overview"/"Favoriten"/"Widget" | |
Placing of Search | Should "Search" be a top menu item in top bar or a sub menu in tab bar on the left side? |
Organisation vs. | In our opinion it’s a communication tool, but we are uncertain about content and use of this option. Options could be to add a "Staff" menu in "Achievements" and "Communication" or have a top menu entry "Organisation". |
Community uncertainties | |
Placing of Who-is-online | At the moment placed in tab bar menu "Communication". Does it need to be in top menu bar? |
Placing of Administration | Top menu item or menu in tab bar on the left side? |
Last edited: 28. Oct 2019, 12:55, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]