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Datacollection: Export and Import of Owner

1 Initial Problem

With a new "Owner-Import" in datacollection, some new (alternative) scenarios would be possible:

  • Distribution of grades to learners
  • Distribution of feedback to learners
  • Distribution of individual assignments to learners
  • Distribution of individual licences to learners
Admins/teachers should be able to do the following additional steps
  • => (1) When they export a datacollection (with "Owner-field"), then ILIAS also exports the Login of the Owner (eg. mkunkel).
  • They export all members from Members-tab, Subtab "Export Participants". They click the button "Start Excel Export"
  • They choose "Members" and choose the data type "Username".
  • Download the Excel-Sheet
  • In the Excel-Sheet, they rename the Row "Login" to "Owner"
  • They add and fill out additional rows in the Excel-sheet, e.g. "Licence" or "Assignment"
  • They create a Data-collection in ILIAS
  • They add text-fields "Licence" or "Assignment"
  • They tick the table-settings of User Actions: "View only own entries":
  • They click Import in the Content-table
  • => (2) ILIAS Datacollection should also import the value of the "Owner"-Row of the Excel-Sheet in the Owner-field of each Datacollection-entry.

2 Conceptual Summary

Admins/teachers should be able to do the following additional steps

  • => (1) When they export a datacollection (with "Owner-field"), then ILIAS also exports the Login of the Owner (eg. mkunkel).
  • They export all members from Members-tab, Subtab "Export Participants". They click the button "Start Excel Export"
  • They choose "Members" and choose the data type "Username".
  • Download the Excel-Sheet
  • In the Excel-Sheet, they rename the Row "Login" to "Owner"
  • They add and fill out additional rows in the Excel-sheet, e.g. "Licence" or "Assignment"
  • They create a Data-collection in ILIAS
  • They add text-fields "Licence" or "Assignment"
  • They tick the table-settings of User Actions: "View only own entries":
  • They click Import in the Content-table
  • => (2) ILIAS Datacollection should also import the value of the "Owner"-Row of the Excel-Sheet in the Owner-field of each Datacollection-entry.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

No special information.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid] May 24, 2017: We as maintainer appreciate this feature. We suggest the following behaviour:

  • Import: If the owner is not found, the current user (doing the import) is set as owner
Note: If the excel is imported on a different ILIAS installation, the owner could be another user having the same login. Thus, a user would get assigned as owner even though this is not correct.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], July 31, 2017: We highly appreciate this request and schedule it for 5.3. We keep the discussion open if 'owner' is the best term for this concept. Please add your suggestions here.

8 Implementation

The feature has been implemented as described above. After configuring a table with some exportable columns (including "owner"), the Owner-info of every dataset can be exported:

Importing such a table with datasets maps the fields and imports the rows of the excel-file as new datasets. If the owner in the column "Owner" can't be found in ILIAS, the current user will be set as owner for this dataset. Importing looks like this:

It is possible to simulte the import first.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 28.08.2017 by Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]{user}

  • C13649 : Update: Tabellen-Export .xlsx
  • C13660 : Update: Tabellen Export / Import


Approved at 2017-08-25 by Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener].

Last edited: 20. Mar 2018, 15:50, Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]