Feature Wiki
Excel-Export: disable setting shuffle questions
1 Description
In a test with the setting "shuffle questions" enabled, the excel export will contain the questions in shuffled order too. That is, the order of questions is different for each test participant.
To make evaluation easier, we suggest that shuffling should be ignored in the excel export. The test questions should appear in the same order for each participant.
2 Additional Information
- Idea / concept: Klaus Zimmermann, k.zimmermann@fh-muenster.de
- Funding: Required
- Maintainer: Björn Heyser, Databay AG AG
- Development: Feature is to be developed by Databay
- Testing: tbd
3 Discussion
MB + BH 26 May 2014: We highly appriciate this feature request, but we would like to expand the feature to also involve the regular test result presentation screens. It is to be discussed wether this behaviour should be activateable.
JF 18 Aug 2014: We appreciate the feature and schedule the extended version (see previous comment) for 4.5. Shuffling should only be done in learner presentations (and preview) in general.
BH 08 October 2014: We need this feature re-scheduled for ILIAS 6.
C.Jobst, 10 October 2014: I just noticed I developed the original requirement as plugin since we got stuck in such a situation right now. It uses the testexport plugin slot available since 4.4 and creates a *.csv which orders the questions per participant according to the question ID. So shuffling is no longer an issue.
It includes the matriculation for our examination office and I'd like to add some statistics e.g. discriminatory index in the future.
Download from GitHub
Maybe it can be used to fill the gap till ILIAS 6.
Matthias Kunkel, 28 Feb 2015: This feature was already scheduled for a previous ILIAS version but not implemented due to missing funding or time. We re-schedule it automatically for 5.1 to save time for discussing new feature requests.
4 Implementation
Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:15, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]