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KS-Entry Deck of Cards Selector

1 Guideline

  • DOM, LESS, JS / Screenshot*:

The MockUps apply to all Deck of Cards applications (Certificates, Badges, MemberGallery and others)

DoC Selector Radio
DoC Selector Checkbox

PHP Class:

  • PHP Example:
  • External Library:
  • Status of Entry: work in progress
  • Status of Implementation: to be implemented
  • Description*:
    • Purpose: The cards should be able to be marked with a selector. Single selections as well as multiple selections are possible. The cards become more and more accepted in the system, which results in more and more use cases.
    • Composition: Card (KS-Entry Deck of Cards) and a section above the Cards with a radio or a checkbox
    • Effect: The requirement for an own Manage-Tab can be avoided.
    • Rival Elements:
  • Context*:
    • Immediate use cases: 
      • Insert certificates as page elements in a portfolio
      • Insert badges as page elements in a portfolio
      • Use image templates of badges to generate badge
    • further applications:
      • Member gallery of courses and groups.
      • Manage Functions in the Repository without a manage-subtab 
  • Rules:
    • Usage:
    • Interaction:
    • Wording:
    • Style:
    • Ordering:
    • Responsiveness:
    • Accessibility:
  • Relations:
    • Is A: 
    • Must Use: 
    • May Use:
Wir brauchen einen Trigger, der den Selector anzeigt.
Das wäre entweder eine oder mehrere Aktionen, oder? 

2 Status

  • Effective from release: tbd
  • Approved by Jour Fixe at: tbd
  • Implementation status:  needs implementation
  • Funding for streamlining existing features: Technische Hochschule OWL
  • Implementation of guideline: tbd

3 Components that are not compliant with the Guideline

4 Discussion


Last edited: 2. Apr 2019, 20:30, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]