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Object Terminator

1 Requirements

Sometimes we remove an object type from ILIAS (e.g. iLinc). In this case it would be helpful to have a helper class which removes all object relevant data from ILIAS. This "terminator" should remove

  • object type definition
  • object type in Add New Item
  • rbac permissions (roles and templates)
  • the objects itself from
    • object_data
    • object_reference
    • tree
    • RBAC
  • all object type related tables from the database
  • all object type related language variables
  • other references (like news, calendar events, object statistics, ...)
  • decent handling for learning progress (lp collections)

Before the implementation, a detailed technical concept should be written and be discussed with the developers.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Matthias Kunkel
  • Funding: Required
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Stefan Meyer, Leifos

3 Discussion

Matthias Kunkel, 25 Feb 2013: Can we use this terminator for deinstalling plugins, too?

Jour Fixe, 24 Jun 2013: We highly appreciate this feature and schedule a first version for 4.4. We think that the functions of such a terminator should be handled by the system check (which will come with 4.4). Most important features that already covering a lot of the current problems would be:

  • Remove entries from
    • object_data
    • object_reference
    • tree
  • Plugin removal (to get rid of plugin-based objects)

Matthias Kunkel, 14 Mar 2014: Feature wasn't implemented for 4.4 due to missing funding. I set it again on the agenda - this time for 4.5. IMHO we need this feature for deinstalling core modules and plugins.

JF 28 Apr 2014: We support this idea and schedule it for 4.5.

Matthias Kunkel, March 31, 2015: Because this request has already been accepted by the Jour Fixe and scheduled for 5.0 (4.5), I re-schedule it for 5.1 without additional Jour Fixe discussion (to save time for more controversial discussions). Nevertheless, funding is needed to realise this request!

Jour Fixe, April 13, 2015: We still need funding to implement such an object terminator. This tool is important if we want to support a proper deinstallation process for repository objects and repository plugins. Any partly funding is highly appreciated. Please contact Matthias Kunkel or Stefan Meyer.

JE 2015-04-14: The plugin part is already funded by FH Aachen: Uninstall Plugins

4 Implementation


Last edited: 14. Apr 2015, 13:55, Erkens, Jochen [j.erkens]