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All my postings

1 Description

A really nice feature for the usage of ILIAS-Forums would be:
a) In each forum, user have the possibility to see a list of all their posts
b) Administrators have the possibility to generate a sorted list of all postings in a forum:

  • Student a (6 posts, 2 new threads, 4 replies)
  • Student b (4 posts, 0 new therads, 4 replies)
If administrators click on a student, then he see a list of all posts of this student.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

4 Discussion

ILIAS_LM 2011-05-12:

We (PHTG) were thinking about this feature, too, because some lecturers are using the forums as a "Leistungsnachweis"/ course assessment (?) (Student X has to create Y useful postings to the issue).
There is already a forum statistic. It could be enhanced with your (lauener) more detailed view. With a click on the name all these postings should be shown in a list (in an appropriate way like in other web forums > some lines of text so you may decide if it's worth to click on the posting). And every title of a text sample should be clickable. With this click one jumps directly to the exact posting (not only the thread!)

Question: Should only local admins have the possibility to see the list of a user's postings of a single forum or course/group? Or could/should this function be opened for members, too?

lauener 2011-05-12:

Thanks. If you look at vBulletin, you can see this feature already implemented:

  • If you click on the user, then the user can choose between: a) Show me the profile of xy, b) Show me the personal website of xy, c) Show me all postings of xy (see picture)
  • All users have the possibility to see the list of a user's postings. I now say: This is a musthave - it should be open for all users. Maybe "we" should add the possibility to give these rights only to admins or specific roles.
  • Maybe it could be better if user see the whole text of every posting - and not only some lines. If they click on a title, then they see the chosen posting in the context of the thread.

Example with this user-interaction:
User decat: http://phpforum.de/forum/search.php?searchid=1174386.

New question: Does this functionality should also show all postings of a specific user in different forums?

ILIAS_LM 2011-05-12:

Text sample vs. fulltext: What if someone is very active (I was a forum junkie) or writes loooong postings and the list would be huge? Due to the hits per page the lecturer had to click a lot, if it'd be fulltext.

All vs. admin: I don't know if it could be a privacy issue in Germany (stricter law). So it must be bound to the local role permissions, I think.

1 forum vs. multiple forums: Good question. I'd say: Both. Several forums (like the User-help-User forum on ilias.de) in a container object are not rarely the case. So the list of postings of a single user should be to filter. (I don't see the postings I haven't the persmission to read, like in the normal search)

lauener 2011-05-12:

Text sample vs. fulltext: What if someone is very active (I was a forum junkie) or writes loooong postings and the list would be huge? Due to the hits per page the lecturer had to click a lot, if it'd be fulltext.

"My" solution:

  • Show the whole postings, but only 10 postings (the newest) per page. Add the possibility to navigate to the next 10 postings.
  • Add a button: "Show only titles".

All vs. admin: I don't know if it could be a privacy issue in Germany (stricter law). So it must be bound to the local role permissions, I think.

1 forum vs. multiple forums: Good question. I'd say: Both. Several forums (like the User-help-User forum on ilias.de) in a container object are not rarely the case. So the list of postings of a single user should be to filter. (I don't see the postings I haven't the persmission to read, like in the normal search)

ILIAS_LM 2011-05-12:

And to be more precise: With "to filter" I meant, that those user postings (of the whole course/group) can be filtered by the single forums if wanted.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 12. May 2011, 17:15, Mela, Alix [ILIAS_LM]