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Show Profile-Scheduled Competence Levels on Personal Desktop

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1 Initial Problem

By now, the competence levels scheduled by the competence profile(s) of a user are not displayed in "Personal Desktop > My Competences" but only in 360° feedback surveys or tests with competence service. This way, users do not have a centralized access to check how far they comply with all of the competence requirements made on them.

2 Conceptual Summary

Competence levels scheduled by competence profile(s) of a user should also be displayed in "Personal Desktop > My Competences".

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • skill// (in "Personal Desktop > My Competences")[1]

3.2 New User Interface Concepts

There should be an additional view in "Personal Desktop > My Competences" for the competence profiles a user is assigned to. Maybe the easiest way was to provide a second tab "Competence Profiles" in which the profiles (with their actual and scheduled levels) are displayed below each other in a section each.

Besides that, the familiar "My Competences" view is supposed to stay the default tab when opening the desktop menu item but maybe it could be renamed to "Selected Competences" to mark the difference.

3.3 User Interface Details

In both views ("Selected Competences" and "Competence Profiles"), the table of a competence should:

  • Show the same competence data in the same type of row but not the same rows as scheduled levels should only appear in corresponding sections of "Competence Profiles".
  • Allow to manually add self-assessment data (and material proving it).

Thus, there are different ways how competences and competence data may come into "Personal Desktop > My Competences" (new requirements in italics):




  • Users adopt competences manually

  • Competences automatically appear for users with corresponding competence profiles

Competence Data[2]

  • Users add data (self-assessment)

  • Competence data arise from 360° feedback surveys (self-assessment)
  • Competence data arise from tests or 360° feedback surveys (external assessment)
  • Competences data automatically appear for users with competence profiles (scheduled values)


  • Users adopt competences manually (and maybe add self-assessment data):
    Those competences should always keep visible in "My (Selected) Competences", even if they are also part of one or more competence profile (see below).
  • Competence data automatically appear after users adopt competences manually and appropriate data arise from tests or 360° feedback surveys (external assessment and, in case of 360° feedback surveys, also self-assessment).
    Also in this case, self-assessment can be added by users, without overwriting the self-assessment from 360° feedback surveys: There will be difference table rows for the data entered in "Personal Desktop > My Competences" and those arising from surveys.
    The competence data appear in "Selected Competences" and, if applicable, also in one or more sections of "Competence Profiles".
  • Competences automatically appear after users have been assigned to one or more competence profiles.
    Also in this case, self-assessment can be added by users.
    The competences appear in "Competence Profiles" and, if they were manually selected or appropriate data have arisen from tests or 360° feedback surveys, in "Selected Competences".

4 Technical Information

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: 
  • Maintainer: Killing, Alexander [alex]
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Sep 26, 2016: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.3

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 01.08.2017 by ezenzen

  • 4371 : Kompetenzausprägungen: Ressourcen zuweisen und Benutzern zur Verfügung stellen


Approved at 17.07.2017 by .

[1] Obviously, this screen doesn't have a specific ID, as e.g. the competence results in tests are featuring the same ID.
[2] This means achieved and/or scheduled competence levels.

Last edited: 2. Aug 2017, 09:31, Undisclosed