Feature Wiki

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Revamping Administration User Management

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This page is still under construction!

1 Initial Problem

The User Management Screen has got filter limits and could be slimmer in appearance. A lot of administrators don't have access to their server. It should be possible for them to do more sophisticated queries, than possible now. Excluding ist mostly not possible. To narrow a search sometimes is difficult. In the Extended Search some filter options are missing.

It's time to revamp.

Current User Management Screen (2021, ILIAS 7)
Current Extended User Search (2021, ILIAS 7)
Current Extended User Search Form (2021, ILIAS 7)

2 Conceptual Summary

Not only Login, E-Mail and Name should be searchable/filterable on the mainscreen, but every column. At best we could get rid of the huge filter block, the A–Z bar and the Extended Search Tab.

Where useful the filter should include options like:

  • exact hit (like "[expression]")
  • negative (e.g. NOT a member of role X)
  • starts with
  • ends with
  • contains
  • empty
  • before + data picker (e.g. last login, created)
  • after + data picker
  • a fix list with checkboxes (e.g. global roles, authentication)
  • ...
The columns should still be sortable.

2.1 Option 1: Input field hidden

Options (sorting, filter input field) appear when clicking on the arrow
Click on title-arrow opens options sorting & filter
Click on filter opens filter options
After selecting filter option input field appears
If column contains a date other filter options are available (We would use other options in ILIAS)
A date picker is included
If a list is finite and several options may be selected a list with checkboxes is presented (e.g. authentications, global roles)
Filtered (Options to adapt the filter and de-filter)

2.2 Option 2: Input field visible

Input field always visible, additional options appear when clicking in the input field. The input field may also be a checkbox. Sorting possible by clicking on Title.
Options appear when clicking input field

2.3 Handling of current Filter, Columns, Extended Search


Current kind of filter/input

New Kind of Input

New Filter Options


Current position


Input field

Filter Options



Filter Options

Limited Access

Check box

Filter Options

Last Login Before

Data picker

Filter Options

No Courses Assigned

Check box

Filter Options

No Groups Assigned

Check box

Filter Options

Member of Course/Group

Link to Repository Tree

Filter Options

Global Role


Filter Options

Authentication Mode


Filter Options


Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

First Name

Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Last Name

Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Valid Until

None, Sorting possible

Table Column

Last Login

None, Sorting possible

Table Column

Created On

None, Sorting possible

Table Column


Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Second E-Mail

Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Approved On

None, Sorting possible

Table Column

Agreed On

None, Sorting possible

Table Column


Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search


None, Sorting possible

Table Column


Drop-down, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Organisational Units

Drop-down, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search


Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search


Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search


Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Zip Code

Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

City, State

Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Country (Input Field)

Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Country (Drop-down)

Drop-down, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Phone, Office

None, Sorting possible

Table Column

Phone, Home

None, Sorting possible

Table Column

Phone, Mobile

None, Sorting possible

Table Column


None, Sorting possible

Table Column

Matriculation Number

Input field, Sorting possible

Table Column,
Extended Search

Authentication Mode

None, Sorting possible

Table Column



Extended Search


Input field

Extended Search

General Interests

Input field

Extended Search

Offering Help

Input field

Extended Search

Looking for Help

Input field

Extended Search

Search for Roles

Input field

Extended Search

Search for Courses

Input field

Extended Search

Search for Groups

Input field

Extended Search

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Administration > Users and Roles > User Management > User Accounts
  • Administration > Users and Roles > User Management > Extended User Search (Form)
  • Administration > Users and Roles > User Management > Extended User Search (Table)

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

3.4 Accessibility Implications

4 Technical Information

5 Privacy

6 Security

7 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Mela, Alix [ILIAS_LM]
  • Maintainer: {Please add your name before applying for an initial workshop or a Jour Fixe meeting.}
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

10 Implementation

Test Cases


Last edited: 14. Dec 2021, 07:22, Mela, Alix [ILIAS_LM]