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Deactivation of Mail Inbox

1 Description

We are running a separate web mailing software at our data processing center.
Often, users are confused by the Mail Folders of ILIAS. They tend to think that they can retrieve all their e-mails within the ILIAS platform.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for Release: Not scheduled yet
  • Funding: Not required
  • Development: Feature is to be co-developed by Dirk Schäfer

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Dirk Schäfer/ schaefer at hrz.uni-marburg.de

4 Discussion

1) We created a Patch that deactivates the Folders Tab within the user's mail - menu.
2) Since there are no folders anymore, the user setting "Nachrichten Empfang" (local, external or both) becomes obsolete.
To hide this user-mail option, we created another patch that extends the Administration->Mail Settings.

These two changes are just step stones towards a solution without making an external mature web-mailer obsolete.

We think, that a mashup (e.g. a customized ilPDMailBlockGUI.php) on the user desktop should provide some information about the user's external email-account (e.g. #unread E-Mails) and that a user can access the e-mails seamlessly by clicking on a hyperlink.

5 Follow-up

The patch consists of two parts. The first part has to be discussed and to be scheduled for a 4.1.x version. The first Patch is described (german only) and provided below:

Deaktivierung der ILIAS Mailinbox Teil 1
Patch Part 1 (class.ilObjMailGUI.php)

Last edited: 21. Sep 2010, 16:19, Undisclosed