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Limited Question Working Time

1 Requirements

At the time beeing, an assessment question can be configured with a working time, but this working time is used as meta data only. It helps teachers to get a feeling for the amount of time a student will need to take a test after he added some questions. When the teacher got this feeling he can limit the working time for the whole test accordingly.

In addition to this it should be possible to limit the working time per question. Therefore the allready available question working time can be reused. When a questions's working time was set, it isn't guaranteed, that the configured value should be used for restrictions, so this working time should be marked as useable for restrictions. Therefore a new checkbox setting on the question will be introduced.

Within a test, the restriction of working time for each question can be activated independently from the restriction of the test's working time. If both restrictions are enabled, both limitations will be respected. A warning should be shown to the teacher, if he sets a test working time that is shorter than the sum of the individual question's working times, although this can be of course a desired/valid scenario.

The second working time restriction that now comes into the test scenario is of course to be shown with an additional time counter on the test's working form.

If the test's working time limit is reached the student is redirected out of the test like it is allready implemented. When the question's working time is reached the student gets redirected to the same question that is then shown in a fixated state, so changing the answer isn't possible anymore.

Open Issue: Should the submitted answer be stored with the redirect request, when the backend discovers the working time as allready reached some seconds ago? (technical hint: JS time counters are not always running in sync with the real time - e.g. when running in a non focused tab, the corresponding thread does not get enough cpu time)

Since this issue should allready exist with the existing implementation of the test's working time, we should solve issue for the question's working time in the same way like it is done for the test's working time.

The new setting decides on the usibility for the question working time. It will be set to "Metadate only" for existing questions.

In the current state an extra large hint on the remaining time is presented, so the time limit is surely recognized by the participant.

The mockup for a hint on the remaining question working time shows a coloured bar, that changes its color regarding to the amount of remaining time (100% left = green, 0 % left = red), therefor the textual hint is presented without attracting attention.

The textual hint should of course present both time limitations (if enabled):

  • Test Time left: 81 Minutes
  • Question Time left: 7 Minutes 20 Seconds
The colored bar should show up the state for the most lapsed limitation (relatively compared).

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

Heyser, Björn [bheyser], 5. October 2016: The main purpose of this working time meta value is the reference authors get for compilating assessments.

But the maintainer supports the idea of making this a hard limit for answering during the test, but it should be optional for sure. This can be used for a kind of stress test i think.

Another additional idea is to just show this maintained time period value, so participants can get an idea of how long they should spend time per question, but this requirement is allready covered by another feature request that though does not develop seriously at the moment (Display of Time Limit per Question).

4 Implementation


Last edited: 5. Oct 2016, 10:45, Heyser, Björn [bheyser]