Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Quality Management of Test Questions and better Editorial support

Who of you sat an exam with unintelligible questions? Everybody!
At some point in time everyone was presented with ambiguous or downright screwed questions in an exam.  It feels terribly unfair.  

There is a dire need to evaluate the quality of test questions. Empirical data on question performance should be made available thus question authors can improved their question based on this information. 


  1. Unique IDs for Test Questions  
  2. Revision of NIC Registration  
  3. Versioning in Pool 
  4. Question Versioning in Test Object 
Item Statistics
  1.  Extended Test and Item Statistics 
  2. Item Statistic in Pool 
Editorial Process
  1. Improved Question Preview in Pool 
  2. Support commenting of questions in question pool 
  3. Lifecycle Metadata for Test Questions 
  4. Reduce Functionality in »Corrections«-tab 
  5. Improved filter in test question pools 
  6. More metadata for test questions 
Sharing Process 
  1. [[[Project] Improved test question sharing]]

Last edited: 18. Oct 2024, 15:32, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]