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1 Description

The Shibboleth protocol only works when a browser is involved. WebDAV clients can not use this protocol for authentication.

We propose the following changes to the "Administration > Authentication and Registration > Shibboleth" page:

Replace the checkbox "Allow Local Authentication" with three radio buttons:

  • not allowed
  • allow login
  • allow login for WebDAV only

The radio buttons have the following purpose:
  • not allowed: If this option is selected, local login is not allowed.
  • allow login: ILIAS displays a form for local login on the login page below the Shibboleth form. Users can login into ILIAS using the local login, if they have set a password in their personal profile. Users can enter a password in the personal profile form, without having to specify an old password.
  • allow login for WebDAV only: ILIAS supports local login, but the login page still only shows the Shibboleth form. Login into WebDAV is possible, because WebDAV clients don't use the login form. Users can login into ILIAS using the local login, if they have set a password in their personal profile. Users can enter a password in the personal profile form, without having to specify an old password.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for Release: (Part 1) Release Release 4.0, (Part 2) not scheduled
  • Funding: (Part 1) Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) / Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. (Part 2) not funded.
  • Development: (Part 1) Feature developed by HSLU, (Part 2) unknown

(Part 1) Implemented for ILIAS 4.0:

  • The page Administration > Authentication and Registration > Shibboleth has now a checkbox named "Allow Local Login Authentication". If this checkbox is selected, users can log in either using Shibboleth or using the local login. The password for the local login can be entered in the personal profile.

(Part 2) Not implemented:
  • Replace the checkbox with a radio button, providing three options as described further above.

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: werner.randelshofer@hslu.ch

4 Discussion

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 3. Apr 2015, 15:35, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]