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Learning Progress Guideline

Florian Suittenpointner 15-06-2015:
My ideas on this:
  • Learning Progress modes like "Manual by Tutor" or "Manual by Learner" can be introduced for any object type, by principle.
    However, in that case some issues could be optimzed or streamlined:
    • There should be a more convenient way to "check off" objects.
    • By now, some objects types have an option "Manual by Tutor" and some have an option "Manual by Learner".
      This could be streamlined, so there is always an option "Manual evaluation" that allows tutors to set the status and an additional option "Learning progress can be evaluated by learners".
  • Learning Progress modes which calculate a status automatically, however, are more "demanding" (both technically and didactically).You need one of the following aspects:
    • The object can draw LP data from children objects, like with any type of container object in ILIAS. Anyway, this only makes sense if the children objects comply with one of the following items on their own part.
    • For the object, ILIAS can record some kind of "event", e.g.:
      • boolean event (like "has opened", "has finished"): This kind of event should be possible in any object type that has to be opened in order to see its content (read event) - e.g., webfeeds would drop out completely.The problem here may offen be to discern an "in progress" from a "completed" status (e.g., with files). So, I guess this can often be implemented only in combination with manual LP mode (file opened > in progress | file "checked off manually by learner > completed)
      • threshold event (like "has achieved x scores, "has spent x seconds"): This kind of event should be possible in any object type that:
        • assigns some kind of quantitative value to user activities (percentages like test scores, but also absolute numbers like written forum entries, wiki pages, glossary terms or data collection items)
        • can make a meaningful record of usage time (defined by the "Max. Time Between Requests"): E.g., mediacasts cannot really record usage time as the user activity (watching a movie, listening to an audio) doesn't leave any data "traces" on the server, at least until the next movie/audio is started.
  • Streamlining of Learning Progress status: After adding a new object, the Learning Progress option is different. There are several implementation. Actual, with 5.1, there is more chaos than ever before.
    • ILIAS LM: Manual by Learner
    • HTML LM: Manual by Learner
    • SCORM-LM: Deactivated
    • Test: Test Passed
    • Exercise: Exercise Solved
    • Session: Possibility to deactivate the LP in the creation-screen. Default: Participation in Sessions
    • File: Downloaded
    • Course: Manual by Tutor
    • Group: Deactivated
    • Folder: Deactivated
    • Mediacast: Deactivated
    • Survey: Deactivated
  • Streamlining is not the best option, because different institutions have different needs: We suggest to give the Sys-Admins more setting-possibilites.
    • When Learning-Progress is activated, they can decide for each tool, if Learning-Progress is active. When the setting of a tool is "inactive", then this tool does not appear in the Settings of the LearningProgress of a course.
    • When a LP of a tool is active, then the sys-admin can decide about the default-status of this tool (via drop-down-menu): Different institutions, different needs.
    • The "Setting"-Subtab of the Learning-Progress in a course needs the row-functionality.
    • The "Setting"-Subtab of the Learning-Progress in a course needs some filter-functionality. (Coling K.: Auch interessant wären vielleicht Filter oder Sortiermöglichkeiten in den LP-Einstellungen, dass man Objekte mit ausgeschaltetem LP rausfiltern kann. Oder ein Filter, um Unterebenen auszublenden. Das wäre schon ohne das Datei-Objekt manchmal hilfreich. )
    • As FS already said: a more convenient way to check off/on of the Learning-Progress is necessary in the the Learning Progress of a course, in the Settings: eg. Open Overlay at the right side.

Overview on LP modes available by now:

Last edited: 19. Aug 2015, 13:32, Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]