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Procedure for adding forum moderators

1 Description

For privacy protection reasons we have had to disable the user search for all non-admin accounts in our ILIAS installation. This leads to some problems, most prominently with adding forum moderators since this is only possible by searching form user accounts.
While course admins and course tutors are able to do "moderating" tasks, their contributions are not marked as special (moderator) contributions (if this had been eneabled before) if this user is not the owner of the forum. So, moderator contribution marking only works for registered forum moderators and the owner of the forum.

1.1 Suggestions for a solution

Solution 1: Add a button for listing all course members from which they can be selected as forum moderators without using the user search.
Solution 2: If moderator contribution marking is enabled, mark all contributions by course admins / tutors as moderator contributions. In this way, assigning tutor/admin permissions for the object in which the forum is placed would grant moderator status.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
  • Funding: Funded by
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by

3 Additional Information

  • For any questions and more info, please contact: Marko Glaubitz (Universität Freiburg) using marko.glaubitz@rz.uni-freiburg.de

4 Discussion

Jour Fixe, 22 JUL 2013: We have already scheduled a guideline "Add Users From Course/Group" for this kind of problem. We need a concept that works not only for forums but for all objects where similar workflows are offered (e.g. blog contributors in repository blogs, ...). Please continue the discussion of this feature on the guideline page.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 22. Jul 2013, 14:15, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]