Feature Wiki

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Learner print view for Tests

1 Description

There is a print view for Tests (within the 'Questions' tab), however, this print output contains correct solutions and scores.
So, it cannot be used as a hard copy of the Test to be distributed among the learner, e. g. in case electronic access is impossible for some reasons.

There should be a facility to choose different formats of print outputs.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: suittenpointner (at) qualitus.de

4 Discussion

YS 27 JUN 2013: We need such a possibility too. So we put this feature on the Jour Fixe.

BH 02 Sep 2013:
With the up coming ILIAS release (4.4) we have implemented a new feature called "test review". I could imagine, that this new view, that is also printable (as PDF), could fit your needs. You can see the new view in the screenshot below.

BH 16 Sep 2013: The new view described above isn't available for students up to now, but it could be made available. Maybe a link could be placed on the test players question overview.

JF Sep 16 2013: @YS & FS: Could you please specify exactly what your additional needs are, based on the 4.4 implementation? E.g. for us it is unclear what "a facility to choose different formats of print outputs" should mean. Please describe the requirements in more detail and re-schedule this on the JF agenda.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 16. Sep 2013, 12:27, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]