Feature Wiki
Random Test 2.017 - Improvements Overview
1 Initial Problem
Currently there are some aspects in configuring a random test, that are suboptimal for usibility reasons and/or performance. Additionally the drawing of a test pass randomly does not follow the intended configuration in any case (happens only for configurations, that can work on random, but even can't work on random as well).
This feature wiki page intends to get all aspects that can be handled for itself summarized in an overview, so the there is a better understanding for the overall vision.
2 Overview of Improvements
- Random Test: Extend Filter for Random Selection Rules
- Random Test: Check for Fully Stable Selection Configs
- Random Test: Get Rid of Repeated Questionpool Synchronisations
- Random Test: Selection Rule Creation using Repository Selector
3 Contact
- Author of the Request: Several interested Users in the Community and the Maintainer Himself
- Maintainer: Heyser, Björn [bheyser]
4 Funding
If you are interest in funding any of the above listed features, please add your name and institution as well as a hint for the corresponding feature(s) to this list below. Please also list yourself if you want to give a small funding the will probably not fit a complete feature in your view - we can organize crowd fundings in this case.
- ...
5 Discussion
Heyser, Björn [bheyser]: Please do not start any discussion about aspects here, that relate to a concrete improvement directly. Instead use the separated feature wiki pages listed in the overview above. Leave the place here for common discussions about the improvements in whole. Thx.
Last edited: 20. Oct 2016, 12:59, Heyser, Björn [bheyser]