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Configurable TinyMCE

1 Requirements

TinyMCE in ILIAS is very castrated and not in every object in the same way configured. Some need more, others need less actions/options, dependant on the users.
So we want it configurable in an easy way and for every object type (Test&assessment, forums, survay) separately.

The CMS EPiServer also uses TinyMCE. The configuration of it is very visually and understandable:

  • Inactive tools are listed below, in neat categories
  • Above there's the configurable bar, inactive tools can be added by drag&drop, the tools separated by |

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: PH Zürich / ilias@phzh.ch

4 Discussion

ILIAS_LM, 2013-03-18:
The PH Zürich would be very interested in partial (?) funding.

JF 29 Apr 2013: We appreciat the idea and schedule it for 4.4. In our understanding this is mainly a user interface improvement of the existing TinyMCE settings (multi-selection list of tags). Our main problem is, that TinyMCE service in ILIAS is currently (after H. Schottmüller left the development) not well maintained. It would be good if this development would also settle the responsibility for the maintenance of this service. Michael Jansen will check, whether Databay can take this over.

ILIAS_LM, PH Zürich, 2013-04-30:
Yeah, it's mostly an interface improvment. But TinyMCE can more than the ILIAS version offers. For example I miss the redo/undo-buttons so much. As far as I remember the TinyMCE for the forum has been slim lined because of the ELBA-project. As it is configurable not-ELBA-nian don't have to be restricted.
Why not offer the full (if technically possible) range of features and let the costumer choose what his/her users need?

Jour Fixe, 16 Sep 2013: Facing the upcoming beta release date we need to postpone this feature to 4.5.

Florian Fehring, FH Bielefeld, 2013.10.10:
I begun with development of an new RTE Service. (We needed a newer version of tinymce for mathematical input) Goals are:
- use of new tinymce version
- creation of different rte configurations (that's what whished in this feature request)
- bind rte configuration easily to an textarea or other input-like field (even td or divs are possible)
- use of custom tinymce plugins (e.g. math plugin)
Development state and code can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/iliasadvancedrteservice/

ILIAS_LM, PH Zürich, 2014-04-11:
There is a discussion ongoing about leaving the ILIAS editor in favour of CKEditor (upcoming editor). Maybe tinyMCE will be abandoned, too:
Linking in ILIAS Editor
So our feature will not be developed or funded by the PH Zürich . At this point Databay will not take over the mantainership of the TinyMCE.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 10. Oct 2014, 17:20, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]