Feature Wiki
Additional toasts to enhance user experience
Page Overview
[Hide]1 Initial Problem
In ILIAS 8 toasts were introduced. Unfortunately, those are still rarely used, which keeps their advantage to the general UI experience low.
In order to create a more interactive and involved feeling to ILIAS processes and, therefore, learning progresses for the user, we would like to extend this advantageous feature with further functionalities. Through the addition of new toasts to the existing ones, we would improve specific parts of the users experience like:
- The personal learn organization through personalized informations.
- The interaction with learning processes in reflection to the own progress through rewarding notifications for learning achievements.
- The interaction with learning processes in reflection to the own progress through assisting notifications for learning requirements
- The transparency of ILIAS workflow structures through general assistant informations.
2 Conceptual Summary
Important information: These changes are subjects to the concept that toast information is volatile and temporary. They are suggested under the circumstance that, If a toast cannot be read, the information can no more be read afterwards.
The proposed toast are disjoint to each other and should not provide any further configuration to the current toast system either than their own activation/deactivation. Therefore, no requirement or correlation to other established notification services is needed and a partial implementation of only some of these toasts is also feasible.
Furthermore, none of the proposed toast should provide any kind of persistence. The provided information discloses additional information to the workflow and is only of beneficial nature. Due to that and the basic implementation of toast (especially their conceptional issue with accessibility due to theri votality) the portrait information can not be part of a required notification process.
Accordingly none of the proposed toast is involved in any kind of queuing their informations. A information provided by such toast will be delivered to the moment it is generated and otherwise will be lost.
Under that preconditions, we would like to implement the following toasts:
- Personal reminder depending on session duration after login
The user should have the option to define relative timing-events for a personal purpose to help to organize her/his learning workflow within ILIAS.
To do so the user has the option to add (and delete) reminder within the personal settings of the profile. Those reminders are set relatively to the session duration and triggered after a defined time after every sessions start.
The reminders are independend to other ILIAS content and events and only ment for the users personal purpose e.g. break times or appointments. - Milestones
The moderating authority (e.g. the tutor) of an object should have the option to inform members about the receipt of a certificate and the change of a learning progress to "passed". For this purpose she/he has the option to activate a notification via toast inside the certificate settings and the learning progress settings. Both event should be independend from the objects type an context and a centralised within the general services of certificates and learning progress (aka. tracking).
If activated, the user should be notified after receiving a certificate from said object or after its learning progress changes to "passed". - Deadlines
The moderating authority (e.g. the tutor) of a course should have the option to inform members about the upcoming unavailability of said course, when she/he limits said availability inside the course settings. This option should contain a setting wich appears when a limited availability is set and should provide the possibility to define a relative time in dates before the end of the availability in which the users are informed about that. If set, the user may receive a notification regarding the ending availability of the course. - Background task termination
The user should be notified about the completion of a background task. Due to the rarity of this event and its uninfluence on the common users perception, this toast is not planned to have any configuration options, with the intend to not further expand the administrative configuration views.
3 User Interface Modifications
3.1 List of Affected Views
- Personal Settings > General Settings > New Tab "Reminder"
- Object > Settings > Certificate
- Object > Learning Progress > Settings
- Course > Settings > Course Settings
The toast will appear on every page where the ILIAS overlay section is rendered.
4 Technical Information
Depending to the periodic cycle and general settings of toasts. The new toasts don't have to fullfill any oblications to their persistence. The information is explicitly selected to be benificial, but not obligatory for the hosting components operations to be completed and used properly.
Therefore none of the new provided has to get in communication with the notification center and none of the information will be stored there.
5 Privacy
The internal toast does not introduce serious privacy concerns. Due to its "impolite" nature of appearing on the screen without announcement it should be avoided to display any sensitive personal information. In conclusion the notification itself should only provide a neutral information and the possibility through a user interaction (e.g. clicking on a link) to access more sensible/personal data (an bad example for that might be to notify a user about a failed course, the disclosure of marks of the announcement of negatively affected events like exmatriculation, penalties, ...)
The only exception to this is the personal reminder since it is moderated by the affected user.
6 Security
None of the proposed toasts should persist data of any kind. The provided information should be fetched oncall of a new toast iteration and should only consist data of that iteration cycle. Therefore the Feature Request does not cause any security related issues.
The only exception to this is the personal reminder, whos user based configuration will be safed accordingly ILIAS standards.
7 Contact
- Author of the Request: Detemple, Konstanze [kdetemple]
- Maintainer: Jansen, Michael [mjansen]
- Implementation of the feature is done by: Szmais, Ingmar [iszmais]
8 Funding
If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.
- …
9 Discussion
10 Implementation
{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }
Test Cases
Test cases completed at {date} by {user}
- {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}
Information in privacy.md of component: updated on {date} by {user} | no change required
Approved at {date} by {user}.
Last edited: 14. Dec 2023, 13:24, Szmais, Ingmar [iszmais]