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REST Controller Plug-Ins

1 Requirements

Any elaborate Web Application nowadays uses some sort of REST interface for communication to external platforms. It would be an enormous task to give ILIAS a complete RESTful interface for any component ILIAS has by now. To circumvent this issue and to relate to the fact that REST does not have an explicit norm a Plug-In Interface for REST access to ILIAS should be provided. The advantage of the Plug-In Interface variant is that any ILIAS installation can provide exactly the REST interface to fit its needs but you can still easily distribute an implemented interface to other ILIAS installations.
Please have a look at the attached PDF for further information.

REST Plug-In Interface

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail ot@studer-raimann.ch

4 Discussion

JF 8 Jul 2013: Please elaborate on the use case / scenario. Why do you need this? An alternative could be a plugin slot for the existing SOAP interface.

AK 21 Feb 2014: There is definitely a need to provide a rest interface in the trunk. The given concept makes it a "plugin" only approach. The argument that it is not possible to implement a "complete" rest interface in the trunk may be true, but having an officially supported interface in the trunk first and possibility to extend it by plugins in a second step makes more sense.

5 Implementation

The implementation is described in the PDF.

Last edited: 21. Feb 2014, 18:55, Killing, Alexander [alex]