Feature Wiki

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SCORM 1.2: option to support SAVE 1.0, used by german insurance industry

1 Description

SAVE is a best-practice-modell used by german insurances to specify more exactly SCORM 1.2 and to integrate some SCORM 2004-Features without having the complexity of SCORM 2004. The ILIAS SCORM 1.2-player can be extended without much expenses to support SAVE. An option to select SAVE instead of standard SCORM 1.2 should be included.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: not scheduled yet (has been scheduled for v. 4.3 but postponed due to missing funding)
  • Funding: Required
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Uwe Kohnle

3 Additional Information

4 Discussion

JF 2 May 2012: We appreciate the idea and schedule it for 4.3.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 20. Jul 2012, 13:54, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]