Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


SCORM 1.2: Ability to read Interactions

1 Description

SCORM 1.2 provides that values ​​for interactions can only be written. However some other learning platforms offer also a read access. So that learning modules that functioned there also function in ILIAS, it should be implemented an option to read tracking data for interactions.
SCORM 1.2 sieht vor, dass Werte für interactions nur geschrieben werden können. Andere Lernplattformen bieten jedoch auch einen Lesen-Zugriff. Damit Lernmodule, die dort funktionierten auch in ILIAS funktionieren, soll eine Option zum Lesen bereits gespeicherter Werte für interactions umgesetzt werden.

2 Additional Information

  • Funding: Uwe Kohnle
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Uwe Kohnle, internetlehrer GmbH

3 Discussion

JF 29 Apr 2013: We would like to put this and other settings that modify the standard behaviour to a dedicated settings section "Non-Compliant Behaviour". We postpone the discussion to the 4.5 development, since this would be more than a usability fix.

Jour Fixe, 22 JUL 2013: We support the general idea of an extended settings section to allow as "non-compliant behaviour" of the SCORM modules as long as these settings are transparent for the authors. Scheduled for 4.5. @ Uwe: Please provide a concept / mock-up for the user interface of such a section.

4 Follow-Up

Last edited: 2. Jun 2015, 23:07, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]