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List of Improvements for Booking Tool

1 Description

All requirements that got a dedicated feature wiki page have been removed to keep the overview on all feature still missing.

  1. Blocking special days should be possible (e.g. holidays)
  2. Tables of objects/types should be sortable
  3. Booking Overview should be exportable and printable
  4. It should be possible to add descriptions to items
  5. Additional setting "Booking Confirmation". Each booking requires a confirmation by a tutor/admin. (User gets an email with all relevant data)
  6. When admins add a new Schedule, then they can add different time-slots in the form. If there is one or more time-slots, eg.: a) 8:00-9:00 and b) 9:00-10:00, and then admin clicks the green +-Button, then ILIAS should make an intelligent time-slot suggestion: 10:00-11:00 (see pic below - ILIAS makes a suggestion: 8:00-9:00)
  7. When a reservation is done, users actually see nothing in the Week-view of the Booking-Pool (when they click again Book). They should see a grey box with the information Booked.
  8. Additional information in the week-view of the Booking-Pool should be the first name, last name and username (similar to the forum).
  9. The reservation-tab should have two subtabs: First: "Wysiwyg" with the calender view. Second: Reservation-List (actual behavior)

We also should discuss further possible usability improvements of the tool

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: not scheduled yet (has been scheduled for v. 4.3 but postponed due to missing funding)
  • Funding: Required
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Leifos

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Klaus Vorkauf, vorkauf (at) rus.uni-stuttgart.de

4 Discussion

MK, AK, 12 Dec 2011: We appreciate the improvements of the booking tool. We keep the discussion open and invite everyone to participate in the discussion. Decisions on the details will be made later.

YS, HJL, 6 Feb 2012: We suggest some wording improvements:
Improve the Wording of the bookingpool-Settings.:
a) There is a comment in the field "Public Reservations": "Public Reservations (The list of reservations can be viewed by all users.)". If you are an course-admin, then you maybe think that the list of reservations can by viewed by all users of the platform or that the list ist open to every user in the www. But the reservations can be viewed only by users in this course (if you use the Booking-Pool in a course of course). Maybe wording-improvement may help.
b) Then in the setting, you also see the field "Numbers of slots" (in German: Anzahl Zeiträume): If I go to the tab schedules, i can add schedules - but I do not find a or way to add slots (or Zeiträume) - and I do not know why these slots are important? and what these slots exactly do. A better wording is needed.
a) Bookings are stored in the personal calendar. It would be great if users get a message (incl. link) after booking: You can see and cancel your Bookings in the ILIAS-calender.

HJL., 9.12.2013: New Features?

  • When admins add a new Schedule, then they can add different time-slots in the form. If there is one or more time-slots, eg.: a) 8:00-9:00 and b) 9:00-10:00, and then admin clicks the green +-Button, then ILIAS should make an intelligent time-slot suggestion: 10:00-11:00 (see pic below - ILIAS makes a suggestion: 8:00-9:00)

  • Admins should have the possibility to activate a E-Mail-Notification. -> Moved to Reminders and Notifications in Booking Pool page
  • When a reservation is done, users actually see nothing in the Week-view of the Booking-Pool (when they click again Book). They should see a grey box with the information Booked.
  • Additional informations in the week-view of the Booking-Pool should be the first name, last name and username (similar to the forum).
  • The reservation-tab should have two subtabs: First: "Wysiwyg" with the calender view. Second: Reservation-List (actual behavior)

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]: Open requirements by Hansjörg have been added to chap. 1

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 17. Oct 2017, 21:53, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]