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Excel-Export for Results by Question

1 Description

Currently test results for a single question can only be exported as PDF (see tab 'Statistics' -> 'Results by Question'). The exported PDF file does not allow further processing, like question evaluation, preparing questions for correction, etc.
Because we need that further processing of single questions, we implemented an Excel export for almost all question types (except Flash and Java).
We think that this export is also of use for other ILIAS community members. Therefore we'd like to include our code into the core.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or get the code, please contact: sr.solutions

4 Discussion

JF 25 June 2012: We support the general idea. Please get in contact with the T&A maintainer bheyser (at) databay.de to discuss the further steps.

Heyser, Björn [bheyser], 28 July 2015: The maintainer supports this idea too. A corresponding development for all question types except the following ones is provided by the PH Zürich.

  • Kprim
  • Formula
  • Flash
  • Java
We should also support at least Kprim and Formula Questions.

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 15. Dec 2021, 09:08, Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]