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LTI User Management

1 Initial Problem

LTI requires automatic generation of user accounts.

2 Conceptual Summary

When users come over from an active LTI-Consumer (see LTI adminsitration) an user account is automatically created for them during the authentication process in ILIAS. This user will be given access according to their respective role. 

LTI users are created on the fly when an ILIAS object is launched by LTI. For this purpose ILIAS generates a deterministic login name, based on the following components:

  • Globally defined LTI prefix (see ILIAS Administration)
  • LTI parameter user_id (recommended) or resource_link_id (if user_id is not provided)

If a user with this login name does not exist and LTI access to the target object is potentially possible then the user account is created. The password is set to a random value to prevent a direct login in ILIAS. Other profile fields are filled with parameters provided in the LTI launch:

  • lis_person_name_given
  • lis_person_name_family
  • lis_person_contact_email_primary
  • picture downloaded from the URL given by user_image

The user is automatically added to the global LTI user role (that should guarantee a readable path to the target object) and the local role of the target object. The local role is selected based on the LTI parameter roles:

  • Course Tutor or LTI Instructor for users with an LTI role Instructor
  • Course Member or LTI User for all other LTI users

The user agreement is to be accepted and a time limit is set for the user.

The LTI interface needs to store launch parameters and maintain a retry list for calling the outcome service. These records are assigned to LTI users. When an LTI user is deleted then all assigned records should be deleted from these lists.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Administration > User Management > User Accounts

3.2 User Interface Details

The User Accounts table is extended to optionally include a new column and a new filter option:  

  1. Coulumn: Authentication Method
  2. Filter: Authentication Method 

New optional column "Authentication mode"

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

No new user interface elements required.

4 Technical Information

No special technical issues.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], July 24, 2017: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3 (assumed ILIAS as LTI tool provider is accepted in general).

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], July 31, 2017: After acceptance of New Objects-Settings for LTI-Provider this feature request can be scheduled for 5.3.

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed on 2017-08-26 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 18755: LTI-Benutzer in der ILIAS Benutzerverwaltung 


Approved at August 28, 2017 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

Last edited: 7. May 2018, 08:33, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]