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Context Aware Page Editor Plugins

1 Initial Problem

Currently page component plugins are context blind. Their properties are saved in the XML of a page and the getElementHTML() function has no clean way to determine on which page or even on which kind of page the element is shown.

But sometimes a page element needs to know whether it is displayed on a learning module page or a test page. Sometimes even the page id is needed if runtime data has to be bound to the page.


  • A specific media player plugin is able to restrict the number of playbacks of a media file. The context determines how the paybacks are counted: per test pass for pages of test questions or in the session for learning modules.
  • Another plugin realizes user input fields on leaning module pages. Inputs done on one page can be show on another page in a different context to support the self reflection of the student. Inputs may also be sent to tutors and they should know from where the inputs come.
  • Another page component plugin should make plugin question types available on learning module pages, e.g. the STACK question. User inputs have to be stored for a question on a page and when a page is copied then the copied question element should use its own data set for answers.

2 Conceptual Summary

Context awareness can simply be supported by adding three protected methods to the class ilPageComponentsPlugin:

  • getPageId()
  • getParentId()
  • getParentType()
They just provide the information that is already available for a page.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views


3.2 User Interface Details


3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

This feature is located in Services/CoPage.

5 Contact

6 Funding

DHBW for the optes project.

7 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 27 Apr 2017: I support the general idea. Another option would be to add ilPageComponentPluginGUI->getPage() that returns the current page object. This would give plugins even more possibilites (e.g. $page->getLanguage(), ...).

Neumann, Fred [fneumann], April 28, 2017: Thanks for the support. A getPage() would be fine for me, too. I just consider if that would encourage using page methods that may change with the page editor revision.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], May 22, 2017: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.3

8 Implementation

Juli 28, 2017:

July 31, 2017: Integrated by Killing, Alexander [alex]

Test Cases

Test cases completed at July 28, 2017 by Neumann, Fred [fneumann]

C18550     Test-Plugin für Seiteneditor installieren             
C18551     Kategorie-Inhalt mit dem Test-Plugin erzeugen             
C18553     Glossar-Inhalt mit dem Test-Plugin erzeugen             
C18554     Wiki-Inhalt mit Test-Plugin erzeugen             
C18555     Lernmodul-Inhalt mit Test-Plugin erzeugen


Approved at July 31, 2017 by (DHBW).

Last edited: 3. Aug 2017, 10:06, Neumann, Fred [fneumann]