Feature Wiki

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Several questions on one test page

1 Requirements

  1. Several test questions can be displayed on a page. This could be realized by introducing "test sections" and assigning questions to them.
  2. Possible properties for a test section: section title, display on one or various pages, randomize function (for example: five random questions will be chosen of a certain question pool)
  3. Certain questions can be declared as "mandatory"-questions, the questions can be chosen by metadata like difficulty
  4. Additionally a test section can have its own time limit. Saving and changing of answers will only be allowed within that time limit.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Tobias Halbherr // tobias.halbherr@let.ethz.ch

4 Discussion

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Fred Neumann 2013-03-11: We need this feature, too. Scenario for language tests: an audio file is played and several questions have to be answered on the same page. We can try to find a funding if the feature is appreciated for the trunk. The minimum needed functionality would be:

  • Section with page editor for introduction text and media
  • Fixed assignment of question types that don't need JavaScript

Christine Berggold (Uni Hohenheim), 2 April 2013:
We also appreciate this idea! The combination of fixed and randomized questions fits well with our feature request Different test parts for randomized tests. The settings for the time limit should be optional: each section has its own time limit OR there is only one time limit for the whole test.

Miriam Hölscher (FH Münster) 2013-06-06: We are interested in this feature, too and have sent out requests for an estimate of cost.

Yvonne Seiler (Universität Bern) 27 JUN 2013: Could our feature Several essay questions on one test page be part of this feature? Do get a feedback for costs? Was this feature already on the Jour Fixe?

JF 8 Jul 2013: In general we appreciate this feature. Due to missing ressources we will not be able to tackle this with 4.4. Moreover there are several dependencies to other developments (see links above and Separating Submission and Navigation). Databay will collect the issues, contact the stakeholders (also SIG Assessment) and re-schedule this for 4.5.

BH 14 Oct 2013: We still have to collect the conceptional issues of the different features with similar requirements, since we still have no available development ressources.

BH 20. October 2014:
The Uni Freiburg funded the creation of a concept handling handling the requirement of this feature request.
See Test-Parts and Question-Groups.

5 Implementation

Last edited: 20. Oct 2014, 17:20, Heyser, Björn [bheyser]