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PDF-Printing Page Editor Content

1 Initial Problem

There is no defined output of PDF-printing of page editor content. 

2 Conceptual Summary

This article set outs definitions of how elements that can be added to a page using the page editor should be renered by Phantom JS. 

These definitions apply to the PDF-ing of that content, we reasonably hope this heals many of the issues with printing vis the Browser as well. But speciffically add the vaeat, that this article concerns itself with PDF-ing. 

3 User Interface Modifications

Cover page

All PDFs created by clicking the [PDF]-Button get a cover page. 

[Icon] [Title of Object]                                                                                        

Permanent Link  http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_wiki_wpage_2369_1357.html
Date of Print        30. Okt 2016, 12:48

Table of Contents                                                                                                                          
H1 = Title of Tab 1 (Portfolio) / H1 = Chapter Title (Learning Module) / ...
H1 ... 

Handling of Style in Prints

All PDFs created by clicking the [PDF]-Button will strip most of the style of the page elements in the PDF: 

  • all content of a tab / page is encapsuled with a grey line. 
  • Items (i.e. file box, Personal Profile or accordions)  and paragraph styles loose their filling but not the color outline. 

Handling of different elements of Page-Content

All PDFs created by clicking the [PDF]-Button get the following output for the following eelements: 

Headline & Content Affiliation

  • Headlines and page editor content affiliated with the headline are supposed to stay together. 


  • Text is printed as it is. Font size should not vary between different tabs unless caused by different styles. 
  • All Links are provided as clickable Links in the PDF. 
Image / Media 
  • Images that were created with relative width (100% or 50%) are handed to the PDF renderer with this information. 
  • Captions are printed immediately underneath picture. 
  • Videos are represented in by a placeholder:
    • Placeholder in size of the player with Play-Symbol in the middle
    • Title of Video (if applicable)
    • Vorschaubild  (if possible / applicable)
    • Caption (if applicable)
    • If there is a link to the video the placeholder should be a link area pointing to that site
  • Audio is represented by a placeholder: as for videos
  • Full Screen versions of images are NOT attached but merely indicated to be available  by the looking glas. 

File List

  • Files are represented by a placeholder mimicking more or less the File List Container. They are NOT magically  appended to the print. 
    • Filelist Title (if applicable)
    • Title of File (if applicable) 
    • Ending of File
    • Size of File
  • File Links remain clickable in the PDF. This may require Permanent Links for Files to be used here. 
Data Table 
  • Are "organised" text and printed as it is.
  • Borders and stuff are printed as indicated. 
Advanced Table
  • Pictures and all other page content elements are subjected to normal HTML-/ CSS-Rules.
  • Advanced tables are supposed to "fight back" against page breaks if they fit on one page. 
Advanced List
  • Pictures and all other page content elements are subjected to normal HTML-/ CSS-Rules.
  • Advanced Lists are supposed to "fight back" against page breaks if they fit on one page. 
  • Are printed according to the style
  • There should be a visual clue that the Accordion is a something to be opened: the arrow should be printed. 
  • Accordions are all opened and all of the content they comprise should be printed.
  • Horizontal Accordions no longer stacked from left to right but are pinted underneath each other
  • Items of Carousells are are pinted underneath each other, they should take on the normal Accoridion look. 

Interactive Image

  • Interactive Image are high-media elements and will be represented by the basic interactive imange with out any Trigger Areas, Overlays Images or PopUps. 
  • Caption is printed immediately underneath. 
  • A Permanent Link to the page on which the Interactive Image resides is provided.  
  • Code is printed as displayed. 
Content Snippet
  • Content Snippets are printed as displayed.
Personal Data
  • Personal Data is printed as displayed. 
  • Most unfortunately the Certificate is displayed and thus should be printed just as a link. This robs the reader of all relevant information about the value and origin of the certificate.  
  • The certificate rendering should no longer been done with the FO-engine but be switched to PhantomJS via the HTML. An inline presentation of the certificate PDF would be lovely. 
  • Competences are printed as displayed. 
Consultation Hours
  • Consultation Hours should not printed as displayed. It is problematic which month should be printed. 
  • Consultation Hours should printed as a Upcoming events accoring to the individual settings. 
My Courses 
  • My Courses is printed as displayed if the are normal courses. 
  • If the courses are learning objective driven courses the respective course should be opened so the learning objectives are printed along with all Rsuluts displayed. In particular the button Results should be printed. 
  • The links to the course should work. 
  • The questions and answer options are to be printed without given answers, feedback or hints.
  • Questions are not supposed to suffer from page breaks. 
Questions Overview
  • The question Overview should be printedas they are at the moment of print. 


Obviously Comments should be printed only if there are any. "Add Comment"-dialogue is never printed. 
If the Print dialogue is amended accordingly to include comments, then comments should be printed as an appendix to the overall print of the page editor content is completed.  


3.1 List of Affected Views

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

4 Technical Information

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Oliver Samoila
  • Maintainer: Killing, Alexander [alex]
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], March 27, 2017: We highly appreciate this feature suggestion and schedule it for 5.3. We would like to add the metadata "Author" and "Copyright" to the Cover Page as well. File list links should point to the download of the file (as known from file object).

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 27. Mar 2017, 16:35, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]