Feature Wiki

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Filter for Participants without Answers but started Pass(es) in Test Results

1 Description

An additional filter is to be implemented for test result screen, that filters participants with started pass(es) that not have submitted any answers.

2 Status

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: reuschenbach AT uni-muenster.de

3 Follow-Up

4 Discussion

MB 11 June 2012: Implemented (1 June 2012) and ready for acceptance. (rev. 34923)

AK, MK 12 June 2012: We appreciate this usability improvement and accept it for 4.3.

Matthias Kunkel, 12 JUN 2012: The filter is very helpful. But I would love to have also a filter for users (name). Think of a test with 400 participants and you want to see the results of one of them.

5 Implementation

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:03, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]