Feature Wiki
Cloze question: decimal points in numerical gaps
1 Description
In cloze questions, answers of the "numerical gap" type should permit OPTIONAL decimal points in large numbers, but the decimal points should not be obligatory.
Example: when a numeric value of "one million five hundred" is expected, both 1000500 and 1.000.500 should be correct answers.
2 Status
Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
Funding: Required
Development: Feature is to be developed by
3 Additional Information
If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Carmen Hüning / huening@fh-muenster.de
4 Discussion
JF 11.11.2013: This suggestion seems to be about "ignoring thousand separators" not about "decimal points".
The current implementation replaces all "," by ".". The problem is that decimal and thousand separators depend on the LOCALE settings of the server. Moreover many servers in Germany are configured in a way that "." is the decimal separator. We could use the PHP function localeconv to determine the thousand separators and removed all of them. However this would confuse users using the "," as decimal separator. We currently do not see a good way to somehow accept thousand separators. Any suggestions are welcome.
Due to these reasons we currently cannot schedule this feature, if anyone comes up with a good solution, please re-schedule this page on the JF agenda.
5 Implementation
Last edited: 11. Nov 2013, 17:32, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]