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Advanced Qualification Features

First Maintainer: Klees, Richard [rklees]
Second Maintainer: Hecken, Stefan [shecken]
Tester: Studer, Martin [mstuder]

Suggested Features

It is well-known that a significant number of ILIAS administrators organize trainings that have to be passed obligatory. Use cases that deal with this requirement are for example employee trainings on specific topics like

  • safety & health
  • compliance
  • money laundering
  • etc.
A lot of these trainings require fixed-term qualifications also, so that participants have to renew their qualification after a certain period of time. Usually, the achievement of such a qualification and  its regular renewal are statutory.

Therefore, the ILIAS study programm has to support expiring qualifications. It has to be possible to
  • define validities;
  • identify and renew expired qualifications;
  • attest valid qualifications;
  • alert members and/or their superiors to expiring qualifications.
To fullfill the requirements described above, the following features are suggested for the ILIAS study programme:

Last edited: 31. May 2021, 13:24, Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]