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Add multiple items from My Courses/Groups to Selected Items

1 Description

At the moment a user can only add one object to the personal desktop and he can also remove only one object at a time from the desktop. This is not very comfortable and a problem for users who see a lot of courses and get al lot of additional courses per semester.
For those people there should be the possibilty to add/remove more than one object at a time.
This is the solution I suggest:
The "Ovierview" page and the "My Courses an Groups" page should have a "Manage" - link like course pages do. A click on that link should list all the objects with a checkbox. At the bottom the pulldown-menü should provide the function "Remove from desktop" (on the overview page) respectively "Add to desktop" (on the my courses and groups page)
This would give users a function that would help them to "clean up" their desktop in an esay way.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet (was 4.5)
  • Funding: Advisory Council
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
  • Contract settled: No
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Frank Weber fw@fhv.at

4 Discussion

Hansjörg Lauener: We do fund already exactly this feature for ILIAS 4.4 - see: Remove from Desktop for Multiple Objects

JF 17 Sep 2012: We appreciate the improvement. As mentioned by HJL above the "Remove from Desktop for Multiple Objects" issue is already funded for 4.4. We keep the "add multiple items" from the membership page to the selected items issue on this page and schedule it, too (even if a page Add objects from My memberships to selected items already existed).

JF 7 July 2014: We still support the remaining part (add multiple items from "My Courses/Groups" to the "Selected Items" screen) and schedule it for 4.5. BUT the naming of the feature must be improved. "Add to Desktop" on the "My Courses/Groups" screen is slightly confusing.

Jour Fixe 06 August 2014: Feature cannot be funded by Advisory Council as long as General Notification System is not realised and we know about the budget left. Therefore, the feature will be postponed.

Matthias Kunkel, 19 Sep 2014: I change the page title from "Add or remove multiple objects from the Overview-Page" to "Add multiple items from My Courses/Groups to Selected Items"

5 Implementation

Last edited: 19. Sep 2014, 14:36, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]