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Avoid visual effects

1 Guideline

Usability: Graphics and Animation
"When you use graphics to purposefully illustrate content, you can greatly enhance a homepage. On the other hand, graphics can weigh down the design in visual clutter and slow download times, ..." see <http://www.nngroup.com/articles/113-design-guidelines-homepage-usability>
In general, ILIAS should avoid animations or time consuming graphic-effects.

  • Every Animation in a ILIAS-core object must be discussed by JF.
  • JF should also discuss when core-maintainers want to implement animations from Bootstrap (like Carousel: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#carousel .
  • Core-maintainer must write down their arguments, why a animation is really necessary.
  • JF can accept a animation. Nevertheless, accepted animation should be optimized in time.

2 Status

  • Effective from release: { not approved yet | x.y }
  • Approved by Jour Fixe at: { link to Jour Fixe agenda }
  • Implementation status: { implemented completely | partly implemented | needs implementation }
  • Funding for streamlining existing features: { name of organisation }
  • Implementation of guideline: { all developers | name of responsible developer }

3 Components that are not compliant with the Guideline

4 Discussion

JF 27 Oct 2014: In general we support animations that provide meaningful transition effects. See e.g. http://www.google.com/design/spec/animation/meaningful-transitions.html. We do not support a guideline with the main goal to avoid visual effects, since we think that good visual effects can support usability. All effects included in the bootstrap framework are ok for us for being used by developers. However additional custom effects should be discussed in the Jour Fixe. We would like to keep the discussion open before finally decide on any guideline.

HL, 29.10.2014:
>We do not support a guideline with the main goal to avoid visual effects
I agree more or less. But when ILIAS uses "time consuming (slow)" graphic-effects (from Bootstrap or additional ones), that the maintainer should try to optimize the necessary time. E.g. when accordeon will use Bootstrap, then maybe it can be a speedy accordeon.


Last edited: 29. Oct 2014, 16:48, Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]