Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Automatically Move E-Mails to Folders by Configurable Rules

1 Requirements

By now (version 5.1), sorting e-mails in the ILIAS mail system is not very convenient.
Analogous to mail clients, the optimum solution would be configurable rules for having mails moved from the inbox into specific folders automatically.
For that purpose, we would need an additional "Inbox Rules" view with:

  • A list of existing rules.
  • Options to delete, edit and apply existing rules in an "Actions" column for each row.
  • A button starting a workflow to create another rule.
    This workflow could look like that:
    • A menu offering filter criteria for the mails supposed to be subject to this rule, e.g.: Sender, subject text, message test.
    • A menu offering all folders of the mail system as targets.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

Jansen, Michael [mjansen]

  • Please provide mockups for every new screen. Where is this feature located in (e.g. in the mail options screen)?
  • Please elaborate all possible filter criterions and list all mail data rules could be applied to. Please illustrate all workflows with mockups and specifiy valid and invalid input for these filter rules.
  • Note: This feature would massivly influence the performance when sending messages via the ILIAS mail system. The only way to handle this would be a complete revision of the mail system, storing only "mail delivery jobs" (caveat: the mail system will not be able to respond with success or failure anymore when sending messages) which will be enqueued when a message should be sent by the mail system and then processed by a cron job task asynchronously.

4 Implementation

{please give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 12. Aug 2016, 08:50, Jansen, Michael [mjansen]