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Learning Progress Status Concept and Documentation

1 Description

We need a better documentation of the learning progress status in ILIAS, it's determination and events and conditions that influence the status.

  • SCORM modes (1.2 vs 2004)
  • SCORM max attempts
  • Test max. attempts and max duration
  • Which options are available in object lp settings
  • ...

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: not scheduled yet (has been scheduled for v. 4.3 but postponed due to missing funding)
  • Funding: Required
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by tbd

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail

4 Discussion

Florian Suittenpointner, 29 Nov 2011:
I gathered some optimization potential regarding learning progress reports (in German).
Maybe you can use it as a basis for discussion.

Florian Suittenpointner, 27 Oct 2011: Percentage in SCORM Learning Progress
Actual state:
In the "Learning Progress" table of a SCORM module, there is a column „Percentage“. It refers to the SCORM value „cmi.completion.status“ and can only feature the values:
completed (=100%) | incomplete (=0%) | not attempted (=0%) | unknown (=0%)

  • Problem 1: It is too vague an information if the column is called "Percentage" because there is a percentage value in cmi.completion.status as well as, e.g., in cmi.score.scaled ...
  • Problem 2: With a MultiSCO, the values displayed are an average over the respective SCOs. This is no useful information ...
  • Problem 3: Users can fail in a SCORM module, however, "Percentage" will still be "100%". This is very puzzling for users ...
  • Problems 1 + 2:Alternative values to be displayed are „cmi.progress_measure“ or „cmi.score.scaled“ (where there is a score at all).The best solution would be to offer all relevant data for display.In the long run, it would be great if there was an option which value determines the overall status of the module.
  • Problem 3: At least, there should be a differentiation in the display between the „Percentage“ and the module status.

Alex 16. Feb 2012: Florian, could you get in contact with Uwe Kohnle and discuss him what CMI values should be used and how to determine a 0-100% status values? It si ok, if we need a setting in the SCORM module that selects one of several feasible modes. In the forum cmi.core.score.max/cmi.core.score.raw)*100 is suggested.

Stanislav 16. Feb 2012: I already discussed the issue with Uwe some time ago. The idea was to create a matrix-view:
Y - axis: SCOs from LM.
X - axis: values from selected SCORM parameters
Selected SCORM parameters:

  1. cmi.score.scaled (performance of a learner in percent, e.g. in a quiz)
  2. cmi.scaled_passing_score (score required to master the SCO)
  3. cmi.score.raw (performance in points, bounded by min and max)
  4. cmi.score.min (minimum value for raw score)
  5. cmi.score.max (maximum value for raw score)
  6. cmi.progress_measure (measure of progress toward completing (in percent), e.g. for SCO with quiz: 10% on progress_measure but 85% on quiz)
  7. cmi.success_status (passed/failed/unknown) (mastering of the SCO, e.g. a quiz)
  8. cmi.completion_status (completed/incomplete/not attempted/unknown) (e.g. mastering of progress)
  9. cmi.completion_threshold (used to determine whether the SCO should be considered complete)
  10. number of visits (not exactly SCORM, but e.g. "Initialize()" could simply be counted)
Other parameter could also be useful but considered "nice-to-have" atm:
  • cmi.exit
  • cmi.objectives.n.score.raw etc.
  • cmi.interactions.n.result etc.
Some other issues are needed to be taken in consideration:
  • data security/usability -> all or just some of the parameters might need to be invisible
  • data security/usability -> all or just some SCO data might need to be invisible
  • export of the data (eg. csv/xls/xlsx)
  • user friendly description & mouseover + tooltip for SCORM terms
  • further row in table on total amount/average of the respective SCOs according to learning settings
  • logical and easy to grasp overall status of LM
Attached a document with all SCORM parameters (2004 3rd, but it's same as 2004 4th), their short description, type and range.

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 18. Jul 2012, 15:38, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]