Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Change Password in Personal Data

1 Requirements

According to our experience, users expect the function "Change Password" at the the page "Personal Data" next to login, not at settings.
The simplest way is to put a link to this page.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Alexander Follert, alexander.follert@zinal-consulting.de
  • Interest in funding: (please indicate if you are interested/able to fund this feature)
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

[Joel Hesse] absolute. i agree with you. (we need a like Button here... ;-))

[Alexander Follert] In my Installation I now moved the Password-Tab into the Personal Data, and I hide Export and Review. I think this is the best solution. A Preview is also shown at Profil-Page, and an export I dont need.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 18. Aug 2015, 11:53, Undisclosed