Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Mail via role assignment over the personal dektop

This article should be available in English!

ILIAS is an international project. Everyone participating in the community should have a chance to inform oneself about new developments. Therefore, the community agreed on using English in the Feature Wiki. Please take consideration of your community fellows.

1 Requirements

Beim Versenden von Mails über "Persönlicher Schreibtisch > Mail > Erstellen > Meine Kurse > -Kursauswahl- > Mitglieder auflisten" ist es nicht möglich als Mailadressaten nach Rollen (Kursadministratoren, Tutoren und Mitglieder) zu differenzieren.

Innerhalb von Kursen können jedoch Mails an Rollen versandt werden.

Hier handelt es sich um eine Inkonsistenz in der ILIAS-Bedienung.
Kann dies behoben werden?

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 5.0
  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: Michael Jansen, mjansen (at) databay.de
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by tbd

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Sascha Kaiser / sascha.kaiser2@fh-bielefeld.de

4 Discussion

JF 2 Sep 2013: If you select "Mail to Members" instead of "List Members" you get the three roles in the "To" field and can remove unwanted roles. What is missing in the "List Members" screen is the role assignment of the users. This should be added in a separate column. This we would like to schedule for 4.5.

Thanks, that is what I´m looking for!

5 Implementation


Last edited: 10. Oct 2014, 17:20, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]